Assessment and Accreditation
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McNeese State University offers nationally accredited initial-certification baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate programs. As a member of the US PREP Coalition, the Burton College of Education offers a collective system of expert support for teacher candidates designed around the vision of building effective teacher candidate competencies to meet the needs of all P-12 students.
The McNeese State University Burton College of Education’s mission aligns with the University’s desire to change lives by creating exemplary educational experiences that empower our candidates, invest in our communities, and impact the world. We are committed to developing graduates fully prepared for their careers and who positively influence the communities in which they serve by supporting the success, health, and well-being for all.
The Burton College of Education positively promotes the education profession to P-12 students, current P-12 teachers, and adults looking for a second-career opportunity. Intentional efforts have been initiated to recruit candidates from all backgrounds and interests through Educators Rising partnerships with regional high schools, a partnership with the Call Me MISTER program, annual Unlock Education Regional Conferences, annual MPACT on Education Conferences, minors in education, and social media campaigns.
The Burton College of Education also strives to continue to strengthen its partnership with local districts by hosting shared governance meetings, collaborating to fill workforce needs, supporting residency candidates with certified mentor teachers and site supervisors, and continuously working together to make data-driven improvements to our programs.

Explore MSU’s Undergraduate and Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Preparation Programs’ Performance Profiles!
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)
McNeese State University’s educator preparation programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). In the spring 2017 semester, the McNeese State University (MSU) Burton College of Education’s initial-licensure programs were approved for full accreditation from April 30, 2018, through June 30, 2025. The next site visit will take place on October 16-18, 2024.
The following initial certification programs were reviewed during the on-site CAEP accreditation visit in the fall 2017 semester and are currently offered in the 2024-2025 Academic Catalog:
Initial Certification Baccalaureate Programs
- Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Education Grades 6-12 Concentration
- Art, Ceramics/Art Education Grades K-12 Concentration
- Art, Drawing/Art Education Grades K-12 Concentration
- Art, Graphic Design/Art Education Grades K-12 Concentration
- Art, Painting/Art Education Grades K-12 Concentration
- Art, Photography/Art Education Grades K-12 Concentration
- Art, Printmaking/Art Education Grades K-12 Concentration
- Biological Science, Biology Education Grades 6-12 Concentration
- Business Administration, Business Education Grades 6-12 Concentration
- Chemistry, Chemistry Education Grades 6-12 Concentration
- Early Childhood Education Grades PK-3
- Elementary Education Grades 1-5
- English, English Education Grades 6-12 Concentration
- History, Social Studies Education Grades 6-12 Concentration
- Kinesiology, Health and Physical Education Grades K-12 Concentration
- Mathematical Sciences, Mathematics Education Grades 6-12 Concentration
- Mathematical Sciences, Physics Education Grades 6-12 Concentration
- Music, Music Education-Instrumental Grades K-12 Concentration
- Music, Music Education- Vocal Grades K-12 Concentration
- Natural Resource Conservation Management, Environmental Science Education Grades 6-12 Concentration
Initial Certification Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Programs
- Elementary Education Grades 1-5
- Multiple Levels Grades K-12 [Music- Instrumental]
- Multiple Levels Grades K-12 [Music- Vocal]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Agriculture]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Biology]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Business]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Chemistry]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [English]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Environmental Science]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [General Science]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Mathematics]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Social Studies]
Initial Certification Master of Arts in Teaching Programs
- Elementary Education Grades 1-5
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Agriculture]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Biology]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Business]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Chemistry]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Chinese]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [English]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Environmental Science]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [French]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Latin]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Mathematics]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Social Studies]
- Secondary Education Grades 6-12 [Spanish]
McNeese State University’s advanced level programs are accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). In the spring 2011 semester, the advanced level programs were approved for full accreditation. The Accreditation Council of the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) met in October 2023 and the Burton College of Education at McNeese State University was granted accreditation at the advanced level. The Advanced Level Programs will be included in the CAEP Site Review scheduled for October 16 – 18, 2024.
The following Master of Education programs were reviewed during the CAEP Interim Advanced-Level Virtual Visit in spring 2022 and are currently offered in the 2024-2025 Academic Catalog.
- Curriculum and Instruction, Academically Gifted Education Concentration
- Curriculum and Instruction, Content Literacy in K-12 Education Concentration
- Curriculum and Instruction, English Learners Concentration
- Curriculum and Instruction, Special Education Mild/Moderate for Elementary Education Grades 1-5 Concentration
- Curriculum and Instruction, Special Education Mild/Moderate for Secondary Education Grades 6-12 Concentration
- Curriculum and Instruction, Transformational Teaching and Learning Concentration
Current List of Programs
Please view our McNeese State University 2024-2025 Inventory of Degree and Certificate Programs for a current list of program offerings.
Visit the USDE Title 2 website to locate information about individual teacher preparation programs pertaining to program types, number of enrolled candidates, race and gender of enrolled candidates, number of completers, GPA of completers, Praxis passage rates, and other relevant information.
CAEP Annual Accreditation Reporting Measures
CAEP implements four accountability measures to provide information to stakeholders and the public about program impacts and outcomes.
The CAEP Accountability Measures include:
- Measure 1: Completer effectiveness and impact on P-12 learning and development
- Measure 2: Satisfaction of employers and stakeholder involvement
- Measure 3: Candidate competency at program completion
- Measure 4: Ability of completers to be hired in education positions for which they have prepared
Measure 1: Completer effectiveness and Impact on P-12 learning and development
(CAEP Component R4.1)
The links provided below are to the most current Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboards and Fact Books prepared by the Louisiana Board of Regents as evidence for indicators of completer effectiveness and impact on P-12 learning and development.
On July 1, 2023, the Louisiana Board of Regents (BOR) prepared the 2022 Board of Regents Teacher Preparation Report as an independent initiative. According to the BOR web site, the purpose was “to make Louisiana’s teacher preparation program outcomes available to the public”. The report provides information for both undergraduate and alternative certification teacher preparation programs including enrollment, completion, retention, licensure passage rates, and performance. Therefore the Board of Regents Teacher Preparation Report will now be referenced in place of the Data Dashboards and Fact Books.
Louisiana Board of Regents Teacher Preparation Reports
Louisiana Teacher Preparation Program Fact Books
- 12021 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Program Fact Book
- 2020 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Program Fact Book
- 22019 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Program Fact Book
- 2018 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Program Fact Book
- 2016 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Program Fact Book
- 2015 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Program Fact Book
Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboards- McNeese State University- Undergraduate Programs
- 12021 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard- Undergraduate Programs
- 2020 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard – Undergraduate Programs
- 22019 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard – Undergraduate Programs
- 2018 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard – Undergraduate Programs
- 2017 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard- Undergraduate Programs
- 2016 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard – Undergraduate Programs
- 2015 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard – Undergraduate Programs
Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboards- McNeese State University- Alternate Programs
- 12021 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard- Alternate Programs
- 2020 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard – Alternate Programs
- 22019 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard – Alternate Programs
- 2018 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard – Alternate Programs
- 2017 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard- Alternate Programs
- 2016 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard – Alternate Programs
- 2015 Louisiana Teacher Preparation Data Dashboard – Alternate Programs
1Due to COVID, the Louisiana Department of Education did not use COMPASS as a teacher evaluation tool and did not administer achievement tests to K-12 students during the 2019-20 academic year. Thus, COMPASS and value-added data are not available for the 2021 Teacher Preparation Data Dashboards.
2The following message was provided by the Louisiana Board of Regents concerning 2019 Teacher Preparation Data Dashboards and Fact Books: Due to discrepancies found in data used to calculate Growth in Student Learning Scores and Compass Teacher Evaluation Scores for new teachers completing individual teacher preparation programs, it was not possible to release 2019 Teacher Preparation Data Dashboards or create a 2019 Teacher Preparation Fact Book. Please go to the USDE Title 2 website at to locate information about teacher preparation programs pertaining to: listing of programs, number of enrolled candidates, race and gender of enrolled candidates, number of completers, GPA of completers, Praxis passage rates, and other relevant information.
According to the Louisiana Department of Education, Compass is Louisiana’s educator support and evaluation system. Every teacher in a Louisiana public school is evaluated annually based on the four-tiered rating system: Highly Effective, Effective Proficient, Effective: Emerging, and Ineffective. The evaluation system provides educators with regular, meaningful feedback on their performance. The Compass Student Outcome score is generated by the achievement of student learning targets. The Compass Professional Practice score is generated through observations by teachers’ supervisors. the two scores are combined to generate the Compass Final Evaluation Scores that range from 1.00 to 4.00. Compass scores are linked to the teacher preparation programs that prepared the new teachers.
The charts below identify first- and second-year teachers who obtained Compass Student Growth scores in each of the four effectiveness levels after completing a teacher education program at McNeese State University. This score is used to measure the teacher’s impact in contributing to P-12 student-learning growth. The years in the charts below indicate the Louisiana Teacher Preparation Fact Book or BOR Teacher Preparation Reprt from which the data was retrieved.

In four of the last five cycles of data reported by the Louisiana Board of Regents, MSU undergraduate completers have the highest mean scores in Student Growth of the Louisiana public and private university teacher preparation programs: 2022 (3.3), 2020 (3.3), 2018 (3.4), 2017 (3.4) and 2018 (3.4).
Post-Baccalaureate completers have maintained overall mean scores in Student Growth ranging from 3.2 to 3.6. Over the last four reporting cycles, 0% of completers received an Ineffective rating.

Master of Arts in Teaching completers have remained consistent in performance with mean scores ranging from 3.3 to 3.6 for the years indicated. Over 69% of completers have scored Highly Effective in Student Growth each year for the last four years of reported data.
The charts below identify first- and second-year teachers who obtained Compass Professional Practice scores in each of the four effectiveness levels after completing an initial certification teacher education program at McNeese State University. This score is used to measure the teacher’s demonstrated effectiveness in professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions.
Trend data for MSU undergraduate program completers show an upward trend in the percentage scoring at the Effective Proficient and Highly Effective levels in Professional Practice. The percentage has increased each year from 92% in 2016 to 95% in 2022.

Post-Baccalaureate program completers have remained consistent from 2016 to 2022 on Compass Professional Practice scores with overall mean scores ranging from 3.3 to 3.4 and the total percentage of candidates scoring in the Effective Proficient and Highly Effective levels ranging from 95% to 98%.
Data trends for Master of Arts in Teaching completers in Compass Professional Practice scores show an upward trend in the number of Highly Effective scores received from 42% in 2016 to 64% in 2022. Combined Effective Proficient and Highly Proficient percentages have also shown a consistent increase from 92% to 98%, with a trend in fewer scores at the Effective Proficient level and more scores at the Highly Effective level.

Measure 2: Satisfaction of Employers and Stakeholder Involvement
(Component R4.2 | Component R5.3 | Component RA4.1)
Satisfaction of Employers
The McNeese State University Burton College of Education is a member of the University of School Partnerships for the Renewal of Educator Preparation (US PREP) coalition. As part of the partnership agreement, US PREP and BCOE created surveys administered to candidates completing a teacher education program, mentor teachers of residents, site coordinators, and school principals and district administrators of MSU program completers.
At the closing of the spring semesters, US PREP administers a survey to school principals and district administrators for input on teachers in their schools who are recent MSU completers. Respondents rank effectiveness on a 4-point Likert scale from 1: Strongly Disagree to 4: Strongly Agree. Principal and district administrator results from 2022-2023 indicate overall satisfaction with the effectiveness of the completers with all components receiving mean scores meeting or exceeding the benchmark of 3.00 and ranging from 3.00 to 4.00.
The data is presented in the chart below for all questions rated. The highest four mean scores noted were in the following three areas: posing higher level questions throughout instruction (μ=4.00), developing and/or using assessments to measure student progress and achievement (μ=3.67), providing high-quality academic feedback (μ=3.67), and using technology in purposeful ways (μ=3.67).

Principals and administrators, based on their experiences working with MSU alumni, indicated that they would recommend MSU graduates to other principals/assistant principals (μ=3.67) and hire MSU graduates (μ=3.50).
Satisfaction of Employers (Advanced Level)
All Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction programs were recently redesigned. Satisfaction survey requests were administered for the first group of completers. Four employer satisfaction survey requests were sent with a 100% return rate.
Employer Satisfaction Surveys for Academically Gifted graduates indicate that the EPP is producing proficient graduates in RA1.2 Specialized Content Standards with all mean scores earned at 4.0, Highly
Effective, meeting the set benchmark, 3.0. Graduates are also proficient in RA1.1 Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Professional Development. Employers are 100% satisfied with their graduates, rating them at 4.0 on each of the skills measured.
Stakeholder Involvement
Stakeholder involvement, as defined by CAEP, involves both internal and external stakeholders in program design, evaluation, and continuous improvement processes. The relationship with public and charter school personnel at every level is valuable to program improvement and teacher retention. MSU and district representatives meet in shared spaces for Louisiana Department of Education webinars, regional personnel meetings, shared governance meetings, and content-specific meetings. Agendas and information are shared with faculty and used for continuous program improvement.
2022-2023 US PREP survey results indicate principals and district administrators who employ MSU teacher education program alumni and host teacher residents feel very positive about the partnership. Survey results indicate the following means on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from 1: Strongly Disagree to 4: Strongly Agree.

District personnel and principals are being heard, acknowledged, and their feedback is being implemented to drive program improvement. The Burton College of Education values its partnerships with local school districts.
Shared Governance meetings and Learning Walks provide a space for data discussions concerning current residents and first time teachers in the field provoking conversations about the development of knowledge and skills of candidates. Data share-outs with mentor teachers, site coordinators, district personnel and other stakeholders have invoked critical conversations with stakeholders about programming, assessments, evaluation tools, and candidate dispositions. We believe that our partnerships with local districts are fruitful and collaborative and strive to continue that path.
The Office of Clinical Practice and School Partnerships (CPSP) works closely with district personnel to inform programs and practices. Representatives regularly attend/host meetings with district/charter/school personnel to foster relationships with partners for collaboration around curriculum, clinical practices, and policies. EPP faculty meet with leadership from three local charter schools to discuss initiatives and collaborative opportunities to address needs through professional development and training. Recent curriculum meetings have centered on the co-construction of literacy coursework, SPED coursework, ELL student support, dyslexia training, classroom management, anti-bias, and classroom culture coursework, as well as the implementation of high leverage practices within the charter schools.
The EPP values transparency within residency to make purposeful programmatic changes. During the Learning Walks, the EPP faculty and district personnel observe classroom walk-throughs, implementation of coaching and support through co-teaching of a high-quality mentor teacher, and residency impact on P-12 student learning. Ultimately, these Learning Walks help the EPP and district
partners refine collective practices within the year-long residency.
The EPP also partners with CPSB to provide residents with technology integration training intending to lessen the gap between theory and application by providing the opportunity for teacher residents to implement technology within the classroom to impact P-12 learning. This endeavor, E3 Training, is rooted in the InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards, Common Core State Standards Initiative, and
National Board of Professional Teaching Standards’ Five Core Propositions, as well as the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards and the Harvard Family Research Project (HFRP).
At the end of each semester, resident focus groups are held to capture feedback on programmatic and residency experiences to enhance the educational experiences of future candidates. Information gained is reviewed by both the EPP and district personnel and is used in placement conversations with district HR to support residency placement requests. The EPP plans to incorporate the use of candidate
responses on the Mentor Teacher survey in these conversations as an added support for assigning the most effective mentors.
Input for advanced level programs is also gathered from stakeholders annually. During summer curriculum work, a review of M.Ed. program data, course content, clinical experiences, and assessments occur. This annual strategic meeting is where critical conversations about programming, candidates, recruitment, considerations from graduates, employers, candidates, Site Mentors, and outside
stakeholders occurs.
Summer is also our opportunity to reach out to district personnel concerning specific clinical practice opportunities that would more strongly support our candidates’ mastery of the CAEP RA.1.1 elements and RA.1.2 standards. Our collective conversation in Summer 2023 focused heavily on Special Education Mild/Moderate programming. This specific content was chosen to realign expectations of clinical
practice application of content learning to ensure current federal and state laws and policies are being covered.
Another opportunity offered since summer 2022 for stakeholder input is through Stakeholder Focus Groups during our annual MPACT on Education Conference. These conversations give a deeper context to program alignment as it is an opportunity for graduates, school administrators, and district-level personnel to learn about program content and clinical practices, discuss opportunities for current
practice, and offer collective ideas for improvement.
The above partnerships have led to a collective vision to ensure the progression of content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and professional dispositions are strategically and purposefully scaffolded throughout the program. Course reviews and redesigns are often completed by district employees and the EPP hires several district administrators to redesign, update, and teach coursework within the education preparation programs related to their area of expertise. This is another collaborative opportunity that keeps coursework within the program current.
Measure 3: Candidate competency at program completion
Component R3.3
Multiple major assessments are collected throughout programs to assess candidate competency to positively impact diverse P-12 student learning and development through the application of content knowledge, foundational pedagogical skills, and technology integration in the field where certification is sought. Major assessments include Praxis exams, lesson plans, teaching cycles, performance portfolios, and field experience evaluations.
Praxis Content Exam First-Time Pass Rates
First-time pass rates on the content exams provide insight into the curriculum content for each program. During the redesign of the undergraduate baccalaureate programs, content coursework was chosen based on Praxis content and relevant P-12 standards. In the 2022-2023 academic year, program faculty again reviewed coursework to ensure alignment to both Louisiana Student Standards and Praxis content topics. This process involved both Burton College of Education faculty and faculty from content colleges across campus.

Field Experience Evaluation Scores at Completion of Program
The field experience evaluation data reported below is on candidates in residency 1 and residency 2 semesters of an undergraduate initial certification program. The data below is from spring 2023, fall 2023, and spring 2024 completers (residency I only).

The following information is the breakdown of the field experience evaluation data disaggregated by each program for spring 2023 and fall 2023 completers for InTASC Standards: 3, 5, 6, and 8.

Baccalaureate data show increased scores from Residency I to Residency II observations on items related to InTASC 3, InTASC 5, InTASC 6, and InTASC 8 standards with all means above benchmark of 3.00 for Residency II.
MAT data shows candidate averages improving or remaining the same from Residency I to Residency II, with all means reaching the benchmark of 3.00 during Residency II for the InTASC standards addressed.

Post-Baccalaureate candidates showed improvement in the observation element means related to InTASC Standards 3, 5, and 8. Means remained the same for InTASC Standard 6 from Residency I to Residency II.
Measure 4: Ability of Completers to be Hired
Completers Meeting Licensing Requirements and Hired to Teach
MSU teacher education program completers have a consistently high rate of receiving their state teaching licensures. Candidates are required to successfully pass all Praxis licensure exams before starting their first semester of teacher residency. Additionally, candidates must maintain the required grade point average once admitted into a teacher education program. The Office of Clinical Practices and School Partnerships ensures that all candidates in residency are placed in schools with credentialed mentor teachers and/or ensure waivers are completed for the mentors chosen. Therefore, all completers are qualified to acquire their Louisiana teacher licensure upon completion of the program.
Job placement within one year of completion is reported within the Louisiana Teacher Preparation Fact Book for completers who taught in public schools in Louisiana in the year following program completion of an MSU undergraduate or alternate certification initial teacher preparation program. Completers who taught in private schools in Louisiana or began teaching in other states in their first year are not included in the follow-up year teaching data reported by the Louisiana Board of Regents.
The table below displays licensure rates for undergraduate and alternate certification completers. Additionally, the following job placement data was determined through additional research completed by MSU BCOE and includes candidates who began teaching the following year after program completion in a public, private, or charter school within or outside of Louisiana.

Advanced level Curriculum and Instruction program completers have the opportunity to add the following to their teaching license: add-on within concentration area, mentor teacher credentials, and/or Educational Leadership.
Of the five completers in the spring 2022 semester, 3 candidates added their concentration area credentials to their teaching license and one candidate added the mentor teacher credentials to their license.
CAEP Annual Reports and Data Presentations
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
Deans for Impact
- 2018-2019: MSU Reflection on Our Improvement Journey
- There was a correlation between the changes in the mathematics coursework within the elementary education program resulting from the Deans for Impact work and the increase in first-time pass rates of elementary education candidates on the Praxis Elementary Mathematics content exam in 2022, which was 100%.