PPCS Contracts
Reference McNeese’s PPCS Contract guidelines which complies with Louisiana laws, rules and regulations (R.S. 39:1551-1755 and Louisiana procurement code Title 34, Part V and Act 87 of 2015).
Civil Service approval is required for all contracts $20,000 or greater except for certain specified services that are exempted by order of the Director listed on the Civil Service website: https://www.civilservice.louisiana.gov/divisions/employeerelations/contracts.aspx
The following procedures MUST be followed for Service Contracts (#1) or Professional, Personal, Consulting, or Social Service (PPCS) Contracts (#2) for $49,999.00 or less:
- The Department negotiates the contract terms (payment terms, scope, etc.) with proposed contractor. Â If the University has not previously done business with the contractor, a W9 must be obtained from the contractor and submitted to Purchasing with the New Vendor Request form.
- The correct contract form (MSU Contract #1, Service Contract cost less than $5,000 OR MSU Contract #2, PPCS Contract cost $5,000 or greater) is completed and signed by the Department Head.  A requisition for the service must be entered at this point.  Once the requisition is approved and it is determined that there is sufficient budget, the contract is forwarded to the contractor for signature.  Once all signatures are obtained, the contract is to be forwarded to Payroll for review/approval; Payroll will then forward the reviewed contract to the Purchasing Department. The requisition number must appear on the contract.  NOTE:  Evidence of insurance or a Certificate of Insurance listing the University as additional insured may be required if service is being provided on campus.
- The Purchase Order and a copy of the approved professional services contract will be released to the contractor. Â At this point work may begin*.
- The Department will monitor the contractor’s performance.  Once services are complete, the purchase order must be received in the system.  The Department must approve invoices and forward to Accounts Payable for payment with a completed check request form.  Department is responsible for notifying Purchasing if an alteration to the Purchase Order will be required, or if any problems are encountered.
- Within 60 days of completion of PPCS contract (MSU Contract #2), a performance evaluation is required to be submitted to Purchasing to be kept on file. Â
*Contracts should be submitted PRIOR to their effective/begin date. Contracts submitted 30 days after its effective/begin date will not be approved unless written justification is provided by the department. If the justification is not approved, the contract may be deemed unauthorized and such contract may be the sole responsibility of the person entering into the unauthorized contract. Employees entering into unauthorized contracts may be subject to disciplinary action.
These contracts (with a term of more than 6 months) require Louisiana Office of
State Procurement review/approval. Original signed documents are required.
The following additional documentation is required:
- The campus department should complete the PPCS #2 contract form and a Cost Benefit* form.
- The contractor must provide their W-9
- An updated Vendor Profile Data form is required.  The contractor is toupdate their information on the following link: https://wwwcfprd.doa.louisiana.gov/osp/lapac/vendor/vndpubmain.cfm?tab=2  and forward the printed form to the university.  It will be submitted to the state for their review. (Form must have date at bottom of form and cannot be older than 1 year.)
- If the contractor is a Louisiana contractor, they must provide their Louisiana Department of Revenue account number.  If the contractor operates out of state, they are to complete the LDR Tax Clearance form and email it to LDR-OSPClearances@la.gov for their review/approval.  Upon receipt of LDR’s approval, the contractor is to forward the approval to the university to be submitted to the state for their review.
- If contractor is an out-of-state corporation, they must be registered with the Secretary of State and a copy of the Certificate of Authority needs to be forwarded to the university.
- If the contractor is a corporation, profit or non-profit, a Board Resolutionfrom the Board of Directors of the corporation authorizing the signature for the corporation is required.  (This form should be dated and cannot be more than 2 years old.)
- If the contractor is for profit corporation whose stock is not publicly traded, proof that a Disclosure of Ownership form has been properly filed with the Secretary of State’s office is to be forwarded to the university.
A Cost Benefit* form is required for PPCS Contracts with the total Dollar Amount Exceeding $50,000 and a term of more than 6 months.
These contracts require a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process and must go through the Office of State Procurement. This process will take approximately 9 to 12 months. Please plan accordingly.
LEGAL SERVICE CONTRACT – Louisiana Legal Service Contract template: https://www.doa.la.gov/media/hl2fnupe/legalsvcscontrtemplate-7-25-2019.docx
Legal Service contracts require the Attorney General’s review and approval.
COOPERATIVE ENDEAVOR AGREEMENT (CEA) – Louisiana sample Cooperative Endeavor Agreement: https://www.doa.la.gov/media/oi0fb5la/liatemplate2017.docx
All CEA’s which require expenditure of public funds are required to be submitted to the Office of State Procurement for review and approval.