Title IX and Power-Based Violence Reporting

Act 472 of the 2021 Regular Legislative Session of the Louisiana Legislature, sets forth processes and procedures to guide public post-secondary education stakeholders in maintaining safety and protection for students and employees. Power-based violence is defined as any form of interpersonal violence intended to control or intimidate another person through the assertion of power over the person. It includes but is more expansive than sexual misconduct and Title IX misconduct. The Louisiana Board of Regents requires all institutions under its governance to publish data relative to Title IX/ Power-Based Violence formal complaints and crime statistics. This webpage includes links to the reports. Reports are scheduled to be updated every six months.

Title IX/ Power-Based Violence Data Report

President’s Data Report

This document includes statistics relative to personnel, training, and other measures of compliance with Title IX/ Power-Based Violence regulations.

Power-Based Violence Crime Statistics Report

The attachment numbers crimes that occurred on or in close proximity to the campus within the specified period.

Sex Crimes Data Report
