Office of Property Control
The Office of Property Control is responsible for:
- Recording all property transactions.
- Accounting for the University’s personal property by attaching barcodes to movable equipment having an acquisition cost of $1,000 or greater.
- Verifying that all electronic media equipment have been sanitized in accordance with the Office of Technology Services IT-POL-1-04 Data Sanitization Policy prior to requesting permission to surplus or dispose of the electronic media equipment
- Analyzing equipment records for fiscal year audits.
- Maintaining surplus equipment.
- Conducting internal audits to certify compliance with property control regulations.
- Evaluating annual physical inventory procedures and results.
- Recording depreciation on fixed assets.
- Maintaining the fixed asset system.
The Property Control office is located in Smith Hall, Room 121. Our PO Box is 90535.
For information or help, contact the office by calling extension 5097.