Unclassified Leave Types and Policies
Authority: Business Affairs
Date Enacted or Revised: Revised August 8, 2011; August 2016; February 2017; November 2021; October 28, 2022
The purpose of this policy is to define the various leave types authorized by the University of Louisiana System Board, to summarize accrual of leave, and to establish guidelines for reporting attendance and requesting leave.
The rules and policies set forth below shall be applicable to all unclassified, non-civil service employees under the jurisdiction of the Board. It is the policy of the Board that unclassified employees shall enjoy benefits comparable to other classes of state employees, and these rules and policies are promulgated under that concept.
Leave Certification/Payroll Documents
All employees should schedule leave, when foreseeable, well in advance and must have prior approval from the appropriate supervisor for any type of leave.
Unscheduled absence from work should be reported to your supervisor immediately and in accordance with department and University policy.
All unclassified administrative personnel and faculty are required to complete the Application for Leave Form, obtain supervisor approval, and indicate on the form the number of hours of sick or annual leave taken and the dates taken.
An attendance and leave record or time sheet must be completed and submitted to the supervisor or department head each pay period by each employee, including employees who did not earn compensatory time or did not use any leave during the pay period.
The amount of sick and annual leave earned and taken is available online in Banner Self-Service.
Work Weeks, Attendance, and Leave Record Establishment
- For purposes of leave, appointing authorities shall establish work weeks of 40 hours per week for full-time employees. The purpose of establishing the 40-hour week is to provide appointing authorities a system of accounting for and the taking of leave. It is understood that some faculty work is done outside the office such as the library and laboratories as well as off-campus sites.
- For purposes of leave, appointing authorities shall establish work weeks proportionate to the provisions of the previous paragraph for part-time employees.
- Daily attendance and leave records shall be maintained for all faculty and unclassified employees. These records shall be signed by the employee and the supervisor and reported at least monthly to the appropriate office at the end of each regular pay period. Attendance and leave records should accurately reflect staff/faculty attendance at work or approved leave.
- Academic department heads, which are on nine-month appointments, shall be present sufficient hours to serve students, faculty, and administrative needs.
- Nine-month non-faculty employees are expected to work 40 hours per week when semesters are in session. Any leave must be approved by the supervisor prior to the leave taken
- Twelve-month staff employees generally work 40 hours per week for full-time employment. Work schedules are generally Monday-Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with one hour for lunch and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Work schedules may differ with written supervisory and vice president-level approval and depending upon job responsibilities (night school responsibilities, coaches, etc.). Flexible schedules must be on file in the Office of Human Resources and Student Employment. Vice president-level approval shall not be necessary for an employee who enrolls and participates in a campus wellness program activity which is scheduled to meet during the lunch period.
Leave Types and Policies
Sabbatical Leave
Reference: https://s25260.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/FS-III.V.D.-1-Sabbatical-Leave.pdf
Provision for leave with pay for the purpose of professional or cultural improvement, or for the purpose of renewal, is a well-established administrative device intended to improve the quality of higher education professional service. The Board recognizes that such a policy is justifiable and desirable and therefore provides for leaves of absence for full-time members of the faculty under the conditions specified below.
“Faculty” is defined in LSA-R.S. 17:3304 as follows: “Members of the instructional staff of each college and university having the rank of instructor or higher and persons engaged in library, artistic, research, and investigative positions of equal dignity, shall constitute the faculty of each college and university. The head of each college or university and its academic officers shall be members of the faculty.”
For the purpose of professional or cultural improvement, or renewal, this leave may be granted for two semesters (52 weeks for 12-month employees). It may be granted following any six or more consecutive fiscal years of active service in the institution where such individual is employed. An individual may not accumulate time in an attempt to qualify for more than one consecutive year of such leave. Leave also may be granted for one semester (26 weeks for 12-month employees) following three or more consecutive years of such service by an individual, provided that absence due to sick leave shall not be deemed to interrupt the active service provided for herein. A sabbatical leave taken during a summer session shall be considered a semester for leave purposes.
The compensation from the state for the period of leave approved shall be at the rate of not more than 75% of the salary the individual will receive during the current fiscal year for the period of time leave is applied for and granted. Employers and employees shall contribute to the retirement system on the basis of full annual salary rate. Compensation payable to persons on leave shall be paid at the times at which salaries of the other members of the teaching staff are paid and in the same manner.
In those cases where the faculty member or administrator receives outside compensation, such payment is to be approved in writing and in advance by the president as supportive of the purposes of the leave. If outside compensation plus paid leave will exceed the regular salary the leave pay will be reduced so that the institution will pay no leave if the outside compensation equals or exceeds the regular pay. But nothing shall prevent the faculty from being remunerated by outside agencies at higher rates than his/her regular pay.
After each leave period is completed, evidence as determined by the institution must be submitted to the appropriate supervisor to indicate that the purpose for which the leave was granted has been achieved.
At no time during any semester of an academic year shall the number of persons on leave with pay (except sick leave) exceed 5% of the total faculty.
In accepting a leave of absence with pay, the faculty member shall be understood to assume a legal obligation as listed in Acts 1991, 858 (R.S.17:3328) to return to the institution for at least one year of further service. A copy of this rule shall be made known to each applicant for such leave.
Individuals accepting sabbatical leave (with pay) are cautioned about prohibitions against dual appointments or dual employment as described in LSA-R.S.42:63.
Sabbatical leave shall be granted only with prior Board approval.
Leave without Pay
Leave without pay may be granted for a maximum of one year at a time upon recommendation of the institution to the System President and with the approval of the Board. Approval for requests for leave without pay is not automatic.
Faculty Leave
Faculty leave is leave granted to faculty members employed on the nine-month (academic year) basis in lieu of annual leave and is comprised of the days between terms and at holiday periods when students are not in classes. This special form of leave shall be taken as it is earned.
Faculty members who have earned annual leave prior to assuming a nine-month employment status may not take annual leave during times when classes are in session. The Office of Human Resources and Student Employment can provide information about compensation of previously earned annual leave.
Unclassified Crisis Leave Program Policy
Reference: https://www.mcneese.edu/policy/unclassified-crisis-leave-program-policy/
To provide and manage a Crisis Leave Program whereby eligible unclassified employees may donate annual and/or sick leave to a pool for the purpose of assisting other eligible employees who, through no fault of their own, have insufficient annual or sick leave to cover their absence from work due to their own serious health condition or personal emergency. This policy is authorized by University of Louisiana System Policy Number: FS-III.XXII.-1.
Annual Leave
Annual leave is leave with pay granted to unclassified administrative employees for the purpose of rehabilitation, restoration, maintenance of work efficiency, or attention to other personal concerns and may be used if the balance is sufficient. Annual leave must have prior approval by the immediate supervisor.
Annual Leave Accrual for Unclassified Administrative Employees
- Annual leave shall be earned by each eligible employee who has a regular tour of duty. Personnel not employed on a continuing basis (temporary employees) shall not earn annual leave. Leave accrual will be pro-rated appropriately for part-time employees based on percentage of full-time employment. An employee must work at least 50% effort to accrue leave.
- Annual leave earned shall be based on the equivalent of years of full-time state service and shall be creditable at the end of each pay period or calendar month in accordance with the following general schedule:
Hours of Annual Leave Earned Per Month by Unclassified Administrative Full-time Employees
Years of Service | <3 | 3, but <5 | 5, but <10 | 10, but <15 | 15+ |
Hours of Leave Earned Per Month | 8 hours | 10 hours | 12 hours | 14 hours | 16 hours |
- No unclassified employee shall be credited with annual leave for any calendar month:
- until completion of that calendar month as an employee;
- during which the employee was on leave without pay for ten or more working days; or
- while serving in the military.
- Accrued unused annual leave earned by an employee shall be carried forward to the succeeding years without limitation.
- When an employee changes his position from one state agency to another, his accumulated annual leave shall be forwarded to the new agency and shall be credited to him.
- Legal holidays, state-designated holidays, days of local conditions and celebrations, and similar periods when designated, announced, and observed by the institution, shall not be charged to annual leave.
- Annual leave shall be applied for in advance and in writing by the employee and may be taken only when approved by the supervisor or Appointing Authority.
Requirements Concerning the Use of Annual Leave/Payment of Annual Leave
- An appointing authority may require an employee who has sufficient annual leave to his credit to take annual leave whenever the authority feels that it is best for the employee or the appointing authority.
- Except when given special advance approval for absence from duty, an employee must be at his work station for the day in order to be classified as on duty. A work station normally will be one’s office or elsewhere on the employer’s premises, or at other locations while representing the employer.
- Upon resignation, death, removal, or other termination of employment of an unclassified employee, annual leave amounting to the same maximum as is provided for members of the classified service of the state by the Civil Service Commission and approved by the Governor, and accrued to his credit shall be computed and the value thereof shall be paid to the employee or the heirs, provided that the annual leave has been accrued under established leave regulations and attendance records have been maintained for the employee by his supervisor. Such pay shall be computed at the employee’s base rate of pay at the time of termination.
Sick Leave
Sick leave may be requested by the employee, with a sufficient sick leave balance and proper medical certification if required, for the following reasons:
- Illness or injury which prevents you from performing your essential duties;
- Medical, dental, or optical consultation or treatment; and/or
- Care for an immediate family member who is ill or injured; or to accompany an immediate family member to a medical, dental, or optical consultation or treatment. Immediate family member is defined as a spouse, parent, or child of an employee.
Sick Leave Accrual for Unclassified Administrative Employees
A. Sick leave for unclassified employees shall be earned by each employee who has a regular tour of duty. Leave accrual will be pro-rated appropriately for part-time employees based on percentage of full-time employment. An employee must work at least 50% effort to accrue leave.
B. The earning of such leave shall be based on the equivalent of years of full-time state service and shall be creditable at the end of each calendar month in accordance with the following general schedule:
Hours of Sick Leave Earned Per Month by Unclassified Administrative, Full-time Employees
Years of Service | <3 | 3, but <5 | 5, but <10 | 10, but <15 | 15+ |
Hours of Leave Earned Per Month | 8 hours | 10 hours | 12 hours | 14 hours | 16 hours |
Sick Leave Accrual for Faculty Members
- Sick leave for faculty members shall be earned by each employee who has a regular tour of duty. Leave accrual will be pro-rated appropriately for part-time employees based on percentage of full-time employment. An employee must work at least 50% effort to accrue leave.
- The earning of such leave shall be based on the equivalent of years of full-time state service and shall be creditable at the end of each calendar month in accordance with the following general schedule:
Hours of Sick Leave Earned Per Month by Full-time Faculty Members
Years of Service | <3 | 3, but <5 | 5, but <10 | 10, but <15 | 15+ |
Hours of Leave Earned Per Month | 7.2 hours | 9 hours | 10.8 hours | 12.6 hours | 14.4 hours |
Additional days of sick leave are accrued for work performed during summer school sessions.
Requirements Concerning the Use of Sick Leave/Payment of Sick Leave
- No unclassified employee shall be credited with sick leave for any calendar month:
- Until completion of that calendar month as an employee (except that nine-month faculty employed during the summer shall accrue sick leave prorated during the actual weeks of employment. For example, a faculty member employed for nine weeks in the summer shall be credited with 2¼ days).
- During which the employee was on leave without pay for ten or more working days.
- While serving in the military.
- Accrued unused sick leave earned by an employee shall be carried forward to the succeeding years without limitation.
- When an employee changes his position from one state agency to another, his accumulated sick leave shall be forwarded to the new agency and shall be credited to him.
- There is no minimum charge for sick leave. It is to be charged on an hourly basis.
- The employee may use sick leave for maternity purposes when her postnatal or prenatal condition prevents the performance of usual duties, provided the employee has sufficient sick leave credit. The limit to the use of sick leave for a postnatal condition shall be six weeks unless a physician certifies the employee’s inability to return to work.
- Upon death or retirement of an unclassified employee, sick leave accrued to his credit shall be computed and the value thereof shall be paid to the employee or heirs, provided that the sick leave has been accrued under established leave regulations and a daily attendance record has been maintained for the employee by his supervisor, except that such payment shall not exceed the value of 25 working days computed on the basis of a five-day week and on a four-week per month basis for personnel employed on less than the 12-month employment basis and on the basis of a five-day week and 52-week year for 12-month employees. The rate of pay shall be computed using the base rate the employee is receiving at the time of termination.
Physician Certification Required/Outside Employment while on Sick Leave
A statement from a qualified medical provider that you are ill and unable to report to work may be required by the supervisor. Absence from work for more than a week due to illness or injury requires that a qualified medical provider certify in writing that you are unable to perform the essential functions of your regular position. Faculty and other unclassified personnel must present written certification to the Office of Human Resources and Student Employment before returning to regular duties.
Documentation for sick leave on a continuing basis must be renewed periodically. Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) regulations may be involved when extended sick leave is necessary.
The Office of Human Resources and Student Employment provides information related to FMLA requirements.
It is a violation of University policy to perform outside employment while on sick leave and will subject the employee to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
Compensatory Leave for Unclassified Professional Staff
Unclassified administrative staff employees are hired on an annual basis and are not compensated for extra work beyond the normal 40-hour work week. Additionally, these employees do not receive compensatory leave for legal state holidays which are not observed by colleges and universities due to constraints of the academic calendar. All types of leave, other than compensatory leave, are the same for both unclassified and classified employees as outlined by Civil Service Rules. The compensatory leave policy for unclassified professional staff of the Colleges and Universities of Louisiana System office and of the System institutions effective July 1, 1999 is as follows:
- An appointing authority may require an employee to work overtime on a holiday or at a time that the employee is not regularly required to be on duty. Compensatory leave may be granted for overtime hours worked outside the regularly assigned 40-hour work week, or when the employee has not worked in excess of 40 hours due to holidays observed or leave taken. Earning of compensatory leave must have prior approval of the immediate supervisor and the appropriate vice president or his/her designee. The amount of such leave shall be equal to the number of extra hours the employee is required to work.
- Compensatory leave shall not be earned by the following employees: presidents, vice presidents, deans, athletic directors, and athletic coaches. Exceptions may be made to permit these employees to be exempted from having to take leave when the University is officially closed. Such exceptions shall be included in the appointment letter of the individuals involved. In all events, any employee who is entitled to earn compensatory leave under the Fair labor Standards Act shall earn such leave in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. (Revision approved 3/26/99)
- Compensatory leave shall be promptly credited to the employee and may be used with the approval of the immediate supervisor and the appropriate vice president or his/her designee. Not more than 30 working days, or the equivalent thereof in hours, of accrued unused compensatory leave shall be carried forward into any fiscal year. An appointing authority may require employees to use their earned compensatory leave at any time. Employees will not be paid the value of their accrued compensatory leave upon separation from his unclassified position.
- In the event that an employee transfers without a break in service to another position within the State service, compensatory leave may be credited to the employee at the discretion of the new appointing authority. Compensatory leave shall be terminated when an employee separates from State service.
- Compensatory leave should not be confused with a flexible time policy. Employees cannot arbitrarily determine their own work schedules. In addition, work undertaken while at home does not constitute the earning of compensatory time.
- The manner in which this compensatory leave policy is administered shall be at the discretion of each individual campus (i.e., type of record maintained). The president of the institution or his designee will be responsible for administration of this policy. This policy revision shall be effective July 1, 1999. Any compensatory leave earned under the conditions of the previous policy (effective January 4, 1994) shall be subject to that policy. Additional information may be obtained from the Office of Human Resources and Student Employment.
Leave for Civil and National Service
An employee shall be given time off without loss of pay, annual, or sick leave for civil and national services.
- The following are recognized by the Board as appropriate reasons:
- for performing jury duty;
- when summoned to appear as a witness before a court, grand jury, or other public body or commission;
- for performing emergency civilian duty in relation to national defense;
- for voting in a primary, general, or special election which falls on his scheduled working day, provided that not more than two hours of leave shall be allowed an employee to vote in the parish where he is employed, and not more than one day to vote in a parish other than the one where he is employed;
- when the appointing authority determines that employees are prevented from performing their duties by an act of God; or
- when the appointing authority shall determine that local conditions or celebrations make it impracticable for employees to work.
Military Leave
Employees who are members of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States or the National Guard shall be granted leaves of absence from their positions without loss of pay, time, or annual or sick leave when ordered to active duty for field training or training authorized in lieu thereof when the individual is given constructive credit for such training. Such leaves shall be for periods not to exceed 15 working days in any calendar year, but an appointing authority may grant an employee annual leave or leave without pay or both, in accordance with other provisions of these leave regulations for such periods which exceed 15 working days in any calendar year.
- Employees who are inducted or ordered to active duty to fulfill reserve obligations or who are ordered to active duty in connection with reserve activities for indefinite periods or for periods in excess of their annual field training shall be ineligible for leave with pay.
Family and Medical Leave
The State Colleges and Universities of Louisiana System have adopted the provisions of the U.S. Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 for all its employees. The Louisiana Department of Civil Service (See General Circular No. 1126, October 8, 1993) has previously taken the position that all classified employees are covered by this Act. The contents of the Department of Civil Service General Circular No. 1126 shall therefore apply to all full-time System employees. (See Appendix 14) (Addition approved 1/7/94)
You may contact the Office of Human Resources and Student Employment for information/forms regarding application for Family and Medical Leave.
Administrative Emergency Leave for Unclassified Staff (includes Faculty)
Any person in the chain of command of an unclassified staff or faculty member may recommend to the president of the University or his/her designee that is in the best interest of the University that the unclassified staff or faculty member be placed on administrative leave with pay.
Upon conducting any investigation deemed appropriate by the president or his/her designee which may include interviewing the staff member regarding the concerns of the University, the president may place that individual on administrative leave. The action may be done orally by the president or his/her designee and shall in no way be considered a disciplinary action.
A written communication regarding any administrative leave action shall be forwarded to the respective staff member and a record maintained by the University. Such administrative leave is with pay and shall not be charged against the individuals’ leave record. It may be for an initial period of up to thirty (30) days, but it may be extended for up to thirty (30) more days by the president or his/her designee with verbal notice to the staff member.
During such leave with pay, the staff or faculty member shall be excused from the performance of any duties associated with the position of the individual except that the individual shall be considered a member of the University and subject to the directives of the president or designee given in order to resolve the concerns of the University.
Other Leave
The Board recognizes other categories of leave for its employees.
A. When an employee is absent from work due to disabilities for which he is entitled to workmen’s compensation, he may, at his option, use sick or annual leave or any appropriate combination of sick and annual leave (not to exceed the amount necessary) to receive total payment for leave and workmen’s compensation in accordance with law.
B. Probationary and permanent employees may be given time off without loss of pay, annual leave, or sick leave when attending the funeral or burial rites of a parent, stepparent, child, stepchild, brother, stepbrother, sister, stepsister, spouse, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparent, stepgrandparent, or grandchild provided such time off shall not exceed two days on any one occasion.
C. At the discretion of the appointing authority, a full-time faculty member may be granted leave with pay to attend to personal emergencies. Such time may be charged against sick leave.
This policy is distributed via the Administrative Advisory Council and the University Policies webpage.