Campus Use and Facilities
Animals on Campus Policy
Ordinances and Regulations McNeese State University expects employees, students, and guests to adhere to the Codes of Ordinances for the City of Lake Charles (click on Code of Ordinance and navigate to Chapter 4) and...
Read PolicyCampus Mail Policy
Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide policy and procedural information regarding campus and other mail. Policies and Procedures All outgoing mail for University business is metered by the University Post Office. Such...
Read PolicyCandles/Open Flame Devices Policy
Purpose The purpose of this policy is to provide policy and procedure information regarding open flame devices. General Generally, the use of candles, incense, potpourri and other open flame devices such as lamps and lanterns...
Read PolicyChemical and Hazardous Waste Management and Disposal Policy
Purpose This policy provides guidelines for safely handling, storing, and disposing chemical and hazardous waste. Responsibility for Chemical and Hazardous Waste Faculty and staff are responsible for safe work practices and procedures in their respective...
Read PolicyFacilities Use Policy
McNeese State University realizes the importance of its role in the community and the audiences it serves. When available, the University may provide facilities and resources to its students and employees as well as the...
Read PolicyFire Drill Policy
Purpose This policy prepares building occupants for exiting a building during a fire or related building emergency where evacuation is necessary. To meet the requirement made by the State of Louisiana Office of Risk Management—based...
Read PolicyKey Control Policy
Purpose McNeese State University has developed this Key Control Policy to achieve accountability for all keys to University buildings and/or offices, to provide appropriate security, and to reduce the University’s risk of property loss and...
Read PolicyOffice of Marketing and Communications
The Office of Marketing and Communications (MarCom) is the official liaison between the University and local, regional, state, and national print and broadcast media, and all requests for media coverage for University-related activities are routed...
Read Policy