Title IV Program Responsibility Policy

Authority: President
Date Enacted or Revised: Enacted February 2016; Revised March 2017; March 18, 2022; March 7, 2023


McNeese State University recognizes the importance of Title IV financial aid to assist students with their educational expenses and to maintain adequate levels of enrollment. In order to participate in Title IV financial aid programs and to comply with SACSCOC Standard 13.6 (federal and state responsibilities), the University complies with the program responsibilities under Title IV of the most recent Higher Education Act as amended.


McNeese State University annually reviews compliance with Title IV program responsibilities and consumer information disclosures. As needed, University policies and programs are created, modified, and/or removed. An internal audit of compliance with Title IV program responsibilities is conducted periodically.

To comply with consumer information disclosure regulations, the University maintains a Consumer Information Disclosures webpage which serves as a central point for enrolled and prospective students, parents, employees, and the public to obtain consumer information about the institution. Documentation of required annual disclosures or consumer information is archived by the Office of Enrollment Management.

Additional information can be obtained from the Compliance with Consumer Information Disclosure Requirements Chart.


This policy is distributed via the University Policies webpage.