Study Abroad Policy
Authority: Academic Affairs
Date Enacted or Revised: Enacted September 2019; Revised July 6, 2021; November 22, 2022; August 1, 2024
To assist students in developing a broader context for understanding worldwide issues and honing skills and knowledge to compete in a global workforce, McNeese State University strives to provide its students with both affordable and accessible study abroad opportunities.
To provide students with study abroad opportunities, McNeese State University partners with ISEP, a non-profit, member-based consortium representing over 300 institutions around the world. Through ISEP, students can participate in either the ISEP Exchange or ISEP Direct program.
The University encourages students interested in study abroad to participate in programs affiliated with McNeese/ISEP. Students whose study abroad experience is not affiliated with McNeese/ISEP do so independently, at their own risk, and are solely responsible for participating in such programs. If a student participates in a non-McNeese/ISEP study abroad program and petitions McNeese for transfer credit, an evaluation of the study abroad transcript by an approved credential evaluation service (at the expense of the student) will be required through the standard transfer credit evaluation process at McNeese.
ISEP Exchange Program
- Through ISEP Exchange, students are placed at study abroad institutions, and in exchange, McNeese receives incoming students from participating exchange institutions. Placement in study abroad institutions is limited by space availability and student participation at exchange institutions.
- During the study abroad semester, students pay McNeese a fixed amount to cover full-time tuition and fees, housing, and food and are responsible for costs associated with ISEP fees, insurance, books, airfare, passport, visa, and personal expenses.
- Since incoming students pay a similar amount to their institutions for tuition and fees, housing, and food, the fixed amount students pay McNeese is held in escrow to cover the tuition and fees, housing, and food charged to the incoming student.
- Financial aid, institutional scholarship, and TOPS awards may be applied to a student’s bill, provided enrollment and course applicability requirements are met. Any refunds will follow the University schedule and will only occur after the University receives confirmation that the student has arrived at his/her destination and has begun attendance.
- Following advising by the manager of international student services, students will enroll in SABR 100 – Study Abroad Pathway, which provides a step-by-step pathway to ensure students are prepared for study abroad and maximize their experience. In lieu of regular tuition and fees, a course fee is attached to SABR 100.
- During the semester studying abroad, students enroll in SABR 101 – Study Abroad Exchange, which facilitates the enrollment, billing, and financial aid processes associated with the study abroad experience. Course credits mirror the credits attempted at the study abroad institution, and the fixed amount for tuition and fees, housing, and food assessed by the institution are attached to this course.
- Once the study abroad semester has concluded and an official transcript is received from the study abroad institution, transfer credit will be evaluated according to the Transfer of Credit Policy and applied to the student’s McNeese transcript.
ISEP Direct Program
- Through ISEP Direct, students are placed at study abroad institutions of their choice.
- During the semester prior to studying abroad, students enroll in SABR 100 – Study Abroad Pathway, which provides a step-by-step pathway to ensure that students are prepared for study abroad and maximize their experience. In lieu of regular tuition and fees, a course fee is attached to SABR 100.
- During the semester studying abroad, students pay tuition and fees, housing, and food to the study abroad institution and are responsible for costs associated with ISEP fees, insurance, books, airfare, passport, visa, and personal expenses.
- Financial aid, institutional scholarship, and TOPS awards cannot be used to cover expenses.
- Once the study abroad semester has concluded and an official transcript is received from the study abroad institution, transfer credit will be evaluated according to the Transfer of Credit Policy and applied to the student’s McNeese transcript.
General Participation Guidelines
To apply for and participate in ISEP Exchange or Direct, a student must:
- Have an overall GPA of 2.75;
- Be classified as a sophomore (defined as having earned 30 credit hours or more);
- Be in good academic, disciplinary, and financial standing; and
- Receive permission from the Office of International Student Services.
Student Conduct
Students are obligated to be aware of and comply with local laws and customs while abroad. Respect of local customs includes the conscious awareness of cultural attitudes toward personal behavior. As representatives of McNeese, the University expects students studying abroad to behave in a manner that is respectful of the rights and well-being of others.
Students participating in study abroad programs are expected to adhere to the University’s Code of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, the policies and procedures of the study abroad program, and any and all terms set forth by ISEP and the study abroad institution.
Administrative Oversight
- The McNeese ISEP coordinator is responsible for ensuring the University’s adherence to the ISEP agreement and for facilitating processes and procedures to support the study abroad program.
- The McNeese ISEP coordinator is responsible for annually reviewing the fixed amount charged for tuition and fees, room, and board and recommending revisions to the Executive Leadership Team as needed.
This policy is distributed via the University Policies webpage.