Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) Policy

Authority: Academic Affairs
Date Enacted or Revised: Enacted August 7, 2018; Revised December 4, 2018; October 14, 2019; January 7, 2020; May 5, 2020; February 28, 2023


The purpose of this policy is to provide information and procedures regarding the Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) process.


This policy ensures a coordinated University-wide approach for administering student evaluation of instruction surveys and provides evidence of compliance with the rules of the University of Louisiana System Board of Supervisors (Chapter III, Section X, Faculty and Staff: Faculty Rank), which states, “As part of its evaluative procedures, each institution will utilize a system of periodic faculty evaluations by students, with the improvement of teaching effectiveness as a major focus of such evaluations.”

SEI results are a part of a department’s Annual Performance Review (APR) process.

In addition:

  • Instructors use feedback from SEIs to improve their teaching and the overall experience of a course;
  • Deans and department heads use feedback from SEIs to help instructors improve their teaching and to make personnel decisions regarding instructors;
  • In many cases, SEIs provide the only opportunity for students to provide feedback to instructors on how the course might be improved;
  • The evaluation process is anonymous; and
  • Instructors may not retaliate or provide negative repercussions against students based on feedback from SEIs.


  1. All courses will be evaluated online using the Class Climate System.
  2. Courses with three or more students will be evaluated.
  3. Courses with one or two students will be not evaluated (N/E), unless they are combined with another similar class.
  4. The following courses have been approved for exclusion from evaluation:
    • Courses with the ORIN (Orientation) prefix;
    • Courses with the CRSS (Cross-Enrollment) prefix;
    • All education program entrance courses;
    • Varsity sports and performing dance courses in health and human performance; and
    • Certain courses in the Department of Undergraduate Nursing and Department of Radiologic and Medical Laboratory Sciences.
  5. The courses in the following academic units use alternative survey instruments and procedures:
    • Department of Graduate Nursing – Intercollegiate Consortium for a Master of Science in Nursing (ICMSN); and
    • Office of Clinical Practices and School Partnerships.
  6. Near the middle of the semester, department heads will have the opportunity to N/E (delete) any courses that are not to be included in the administration. The department head will receive a list of courses and will have two working days to indicate which courses are to be N/E. The department head will then forward the list to the respective dean, who will have two working days to approve the list. The list will then be forwarded to the director of institutional research for their approval.
  7. Other evaluation tools established by the department or program may be used for assessing individual instruction courses (i.e., independent study, thesis, research, and certain labs).
  8. SEI administration will likely occur during the first week of November in the fall and the last week of March in the spring (with some fluctuation depending on the timing of spring break).
  9. Individual Course Reports with comments will be distributed to instructors after grades have been posted for the semester.
  10. Semester Combined Reports will be distributed to instructors after grades have been posted for the semester.
  11. Academic Year Combined Reports for APR purposes will be distributed during finals week of the spring semester.
  12. SEI departmental questions (if applicable) can be changed at the beginning of the APR evaluation period (prior to the fall semester). Department heads will be provided a copy of current questions and instructed as to how to get questions changed.


This policy is distributed via the Academic Advisory Council and the University Policies webpage.