Selective Service Registration Policy

Authority: Academic Affairs
Date Enacted or Revised: Enacted January 30, 2006; Revised February 6, 2016; March 20, 2022


In accordance with Louisiana Revised Statute 17:3151, postsecondary institutions must require proof of registration with the Selective Service from persons required to register for the federal draft under the federal Military Selective Service Act prior to enrollment.


McNeese State University requires male students aged 18-25 who are US citizens or permanent residents to provide proof of registration with the Selective Service prior to enrollment. In accordance with Louisiana law, the University provides for two exceptions:

  • A veteran of the armed forces of the United States may submit a copy of his discharge papers or his discharge certificate as evidence of compliance with this law; and
  • A person who has not registered for the federal draft shall be eligible to enroll in the institution if both of the following occur:
    • The requirement for the person to register has terminated or become inapplicable to the person; and
    • The person demonstrates to the University that the failure to register was not a knowing and willful failure to register.


The Office of Admissions and Recruiting is responsible for ensuring compliance with this requirement and archiving proof of registration with Selective Service documentation.

While acceptance to the University may be granted prior to receipt of proof of registration with the Selective Service, registration into classes is prohibited until such proof is received. If a student is not yet 18 years of age, registration will be allowed at that time, but a registration hold will be placed on the student’s record for future terms until proof of registration with the Selective Service has been received.


This policy is distributed via the Academic Catalog, the University Policies webpage, and admission/recruiting materials.