Search Policies and Procedures for Positions of Dean or Higher
Authority: President
Date Enacted or Revised: Revised June 12, 2006; October 7, 2015; May 10, 2022
McNeese complies with University of Louisiana System Policy FS-III.II.B-1b Search Policies and Procedures for Positions of Dean or Higher. The policy requires that search committees for deans and vice presidents be appointed by the president or their designee and contain an appropriate mix of faculty, staff, students, and others relevant to the position of interest.
Committee membership should represent the diversity commitment of the University and consist of persons who have a general knowledge of the requirements for success in the position being filled. Faculty and staff participate in training on the appropriate hiring plan and training on unconscious bias.
The search process begins when Senior Staff approves the personnel item. The chair of the search committee should ensure that minutes of each meeting are taken and distributed to committee members and the president or designee.
The committee shall be charged with interviewing the candidate(s) in an open forum. Candidates shall also be available for additional public meetings with other groups as deemed appropriate by the committee.
Final search committee records and reports shall be kept in the Office of Human Resources and Student Employment.
This policy is distributed via the University Policies webpage.