Optional Pay Adjustment Policy

Authority: Business Affairs
Date Enacted or Revised: Enacted January 4, 2023


In accordance with State Civil Service Rule 6.16.2, Optional Pay Adjustments, it is the policy of McNeese State University to consider granting pay adjustments for the recruitment and retention of employees.


This policy applies to all full-time permanent classified employees of McNeese State University.

No employee shall receive more than the maximum amount allowed by State Civil Service Rule 16.6.2 within a fiscal year.


This policy shall become effective upon the date approved by the State Civil Service Commission. Subsequent revisions shall become effective on the date revisions are approved by the State Civil Service Commission.


Providing that funding is available, McNeese State University will consider optional pay to permanent employees in the following circumstances:

Additional Duties

  • Permanent Additional Duties: The appointing authority may grant a base pay increase or a lump sum payment of up to 5% to an employee who is assigned additional duties on a permanent basis. Such permanent duties shall be documented on an official position description and processed by State Civil Service within 30 days of granting the adjustment.
  • Temporary Additional Duties: The appointing authority may grant a lump sum payment of up to 5% to an employee who is assigned additional duties on a temporary basis. Payment of such a lump sum may be made in one payment at the end of the duration of the duties or may be spread among pay periods for the duration of the assignment not to exceed one year. If the duration of the assignment will exceed on year, a request for payment must be resubmitted to the appointing authority for approval.

Employees at range maximum who are assigned additional duties shall only be eligible for a lump sum payment under this provision.

An employee shall not be eligible for either a lump sum or base pay increase for additional duties if they have already been compensated according to another State Civil Service Rule.

Employees who are at range maximum cannot receive lump sum payments in consecutive years, even if the reasons for the payments are different.

Posting/Reporting Requirements

This policy shall be posted in a manner that ensures its availability to all employees along with a listing of all employees who receive payments according to this policy.

An annual report shall be submitted to the Department of Civil Service by July 31 detailing payments made to employees under Civil Service Rule 6.16.2 during the previous fiscal year ending June 30.


This policy is distributed via the University Policies webpage.