Incident Management Team (IMT)

Authority: President
Date Enacted or Revised: N/A

The Incident Management Team (IMT) is responsible for:

  • Monitoring incidents for potential escalation and developing initial situational assessments;
  • Coordinating response activities across divisions and departments;
  • Providing situation reports and recommendations to the University president and executive staff; and
  • Acting as the initial emergency operations center response team.

The IMT may be required to take immediate action prior to assembling a full University response following notification of an incident.

Director of Incident Management

The director shall bring together members of the IMT for regular briefings and updates regarding campus activities and information. The director will maintain regular communications with the president and manage the administrative and logistical needs of the IMT.

Communication Manager

The communication manager oversees both internal and external incident response communication throughout the incident lifecycle. They recommend which communication channels will be used for the respective audiences, ensuring that the team, the organization, external stakeholders, customers, and the public are properly informed.


Members of the IMT are selected from strategically important areas of the University, including:

  • Office of Academic Affairs;
  • Office of Enrollment Management;
  • Office of Facilities and Plant Operations;
  • Office of Information Technology;
  • Office of Marketing and Communications;
  • Office of Student Services; and
  • McNeese Police.

Activation of the Incident Management Team

It is the responsibility of the University to respond to an incident in a safe, effective, and timely manner, at the lowest level possible, using only the resources necessary to successfully respond to the incident. The director is authorized to activate the IMT based on the director’s situational assessment or at the request of other IMT members. Notification of activation may be sent via email, text, or phone call to IMT members. The director can call for a full or partial activation of the IMT. Full activation includes all IMT members while partial activation includes only those IMT members who will take part in incident response activities. IMT activation and response may also include engaging other subject matter experts who are not regular members of the IMT.

IMT activations take precedence over non-emergency response activities and may interrupt normal day-to-day work and commitments of IMT members or others engaged in response activities.


This policy is distributed via the University Policies webpage.