Guest and Employee Use of Counseling and Student Health Services Policy

Authority: Student Affairs
Date Enacted or Revised: November 5, 2010; Revised January 6, 2016; March 18, 2022; August 21, 2024


This policy provides information regarding use of the Counseling Center and Student Health Services.


Services offered through the Counseling Center and Student Health Services are primarily funded by fees paid by students and are, therefore, designated for use by and for the benefit of students.

Guests who experience an emergency requiring medical or mental health services are urged to call 9-1-1 from any campus telephone or to seek assistance at the nearest hospital emergency room.

Students (including employees who are enrolled as students) are permitted to access the services of the Counseling Center and Student Health Services provided they are enrolled in the University and otherwise qualify for services. Such services provided to students are generally designed to address acute medical and short-term counseling and mental health needs and should not be viewed as comprehensive, long-term solutions to medical and mental healthcare.

Employees who experience a medical emergency or accident while on University time, even if they are enrolled as students, should report the emergency or accident to their direct supervisor and the Office of Human Resources and Student Employment. Life-threatening emergencies or accidents should be immediately reported by calling 9-1-1 from any campus phone in order to request assistance from qualified emergency medical responders.

Employees who experience a mental health emergency while on University time, even if they are enrolled as students, should report the emergency to their direct supervisor and the Office of Human Resources and Student Employment.  Serious mental health emergencies may require assistance by qualified emergency medical responders who may be requested by calling 9-1-1 from any campus phone.

Information about Louisiana employee assistance programs, employee insurance benefits associated with medical and mental health issues, and community medical and mental health resources available to employees may be obtained by contacting the Office of Human Resources and Student Employment during normal business hours.

Certain educational and awareness programs and campaigns conducted by the Counseling Center and Student Health Services may, on occasion, be made available for employee participation. Employees should contact these offices directly to inquire regarding eligibility.


This policy is distributed via the University Policies webpage.