Computer Hardware Standards Policy

Authority: Information Technology
Date Enacted or Revised: Enacted February 12, 2019; Revised August 9, 2021; July 29, 2024


The Computer Hardware Standards Policy will enhance the performance in delivering, implementing, maintaining, and supporting hardware suitable to the educational and business needs of McNeese State University. The goal is to improve IT efficiency, reduce exposure to risk, and deliver lasting value to the University.

The objectives of this policy include:

  • Standardize computer hardware to maximize support and maintenance efforts.
  • Provide a cost-effective solution while still accommodating the needs of the University.
  • Bring a systematic approach to the acquisition and disposal of computer hardware.


In the context of this policy, computer hardware is defined as a desktop, server, laptop, netbook, mobile device (iPads, tablets, etc.) or any variation of computer hardware owned by the University for business and/or instructional purposes.


This policy applies to all computer hardware that will be placed in the McNeese State University inventory.


Default Computer Equipment

To accommodate varying needs in administration, instruction, and research computing, while avoiding excessive variability and cost in equipment and software, University computer purchases shall be standardized.


To realize economies-of-scale cost savings in the procurement and maintenance of computing equipment, the Office of Information Technology will maintain a list of preferred vendors.

The Office of Information Technology will review computer hardware options available from the list of preferred vendors, at a minimum, annually. This review will establish a list of standard configurations that will best meet the features and functionality requirements of all University employees.

University employees will be required to make purchases from this list of preferred vendors kept in the Office of Purchasing and Property Control. 

Maintenance/Equipment Refresh

As funding is available, efforts will be made to establish a five-year life cycle for computer hardware to meet the demands of new application requirements for instructional and administrative purposes. Only full-time employees qualify for this equipment refresh cycle.


Computer hardware deemed end-of-life (EOL) will be properly surplused or disposed of by the Office of Purchasing and Property Control. Hard drives or other types of storage will be destroyed either internally by the Office of Information Technology or through a third party. 

Policy Compliance

The Office of Information Technology will work closely with the Office of Purchasing and Property Control to ensure requisitions for computer hardware meet the required standards.

Any exception to the policy must be approved by the Chief Information Officer.

Users found to have violated this policy may be subject to the following:

  • Cancellation of requisition; and/or
  • Return of purchased hardware.


This policy is distributed via the University Policies webpage.