Championship Ring Policy

Authority: Athletics
Date Enacted or Revised: Enacted June 1, 2021; Revised August 11, 2021; August 7, 2024


The following policy is written to clearly define the members of the organization and/or team who are eligible to receive a championship ring/award using athletic department funds. Any persons receiving a ring/award outside of this list will be required to pay for the ring/award personally or through an outside funding source. Each person must have been a member of the team, support staff, or coaching staff for the full season in order to be eligible for the championship award.

  1. Head coach
  2. Assistant coaches
  3. Strength coaches for that particular sport
  4. Graduate assistant coaches
  5. Team managers
  6. Student-athletes
  7. Athletic trainer for that particular sport
  8. Student athletic trainers for that particular sport
  9. Academic counselors
  10. Sports information and media support staff
  11. Athletic administration (as determined by the director of athletics)
  12. University administration (as determined by the president)

Before the awarding of these gifts, a comprehensive list of recipients and a price per gift must be approved by the director of athletics to assure compliance with this policy.


This policy is distributed via the University Policies webpage.