Academic Freedom Policy

Authority: Academic Affairs
Date Enacted or Revised: Revised October 2015

McNeese State University is committed to the principle of academic freedom and complies with the University of Louisiana System policy regarding the Rights and Responsibilities of Academic Staff (Part Two, Chapter III, Section I). The principle of academic freedom acknowledges the right of a teacher to explore fully within the field of their subject as they believe to represent the truth. The principle also includes the right of a member of the academic staff of the system to exercise in speaking, writing, and action outside McNeese State University and the system the ordinary rights of an American citizen, but it does not decrease the responsibility and accountability that the member of the academic staff bears to McNeese State University, the system, the state, and the nation.

Among the many implicit responsibilities that must be assumed by those enjoying the privileges of academic freedom shall be that of refraining from insisting upon the adoption by students or others of any particular point of view as authoritative in controversial issues.

It is inappropriate for an employee to use their affiliation with the University when expressing a personal point of view or opinion about academic or other issues.


This policy is distributed via the Academic Advisory Council and the University Policies webpage.