Office of the Registrar and Admissions

Monday-Thursday: 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Friday: 7:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Office of the Registrar and Admissions
Box 92495
Lake Charles, LA 70609

The Office of the Registrar and Admissions is comprised of several areas, including admissions, student records, athletic eligibility, and veteran affairs. The department supports the university’s mission and goals and endeavors to be an effective resource for the students, faculty, and staff of the university. The department continually strives to meet changing student and university needs while staying abreast of technology innovations and higher education trends. The purpose of the department is:

  • To evaluate transfer credit, military credit, and other nontraditional achievement of applicants and continuing students.
  • To plan, implement, and support an academic registration system that adequately meets the needs of the students.
  • To maintain an efficient student records system with an emphasis on timely access to student transcripts, enrollment verifications, and self-service online information.
  • To support every academic unit on campus with student data as needed.
  • To administer and efficiently implement academic policies of the university.
  • To serve as the certifying agency for students who qualify for athletic participation and veteran benefits.

Contact Us

Registrar + Director of Admissions | Catrina Boenig

Degree Audit Coordinator
Katrina Fontenot
Online Degree Audit, Duplicate Diplomas

Associate Registrar
Pam Pruden
Graduation, Grade Changes, Academic Probation/Suspension, FERPA, Privacy Restrictions, Transfer Articulation, Degree Audit, Student Curriculum Changes, Dual Enrollment, Grade Forgiveness

Administrative Coordinator 3
Reca Winbush
Dual Enrollment Admissions

Administrative Coordinator 3
Stephanie Tolin
First-Time Freshman Admissions

Assistant Registrar
Robin Semien
Registration Problems, Grading, Published Class Schedule, Veterans Affairs

Student Certification Officer
Amanda Wilhite 
Athletic Eligibility

Student Records Specialist
Adele Pouncey
Veterans Affairs, Registration (Resignations, Course Additions and Withdrawals), Grading, Transcript Requests, Enrollment Verifications

Student Records Specialist
Serina Goodman
Transfer Articulation, TES

Student Records Specialist
Kristy Poole
Undergraduate Transfer, Readmit, and Visiting Admissions

Student Records Specialist
Rachelle Daigle
Graduate and International Admissions