Parking Regulations
Your Safety Matters
Traffic Regulations Table of Contents
- General
- Handicap Parking & Enforcement
- Vehicle Registration
- Permit Display
- McNeese State University Zone Parking
- Alternate Parking For Full Lots
- Fines/Other Violations/Information
- Visitor Parking
- Bicycle and Motorcycle Parking
- University Traffic Appeals Committee
- Crime Statistics
- Penalties For Excessive Violations
Title 1, Section 1 – The operation of a motor vehicle on the campus is a privilege granted by the university. Serious or excessive infractions of these regulations constitute grounds for the revocation of this privilege. Students, faculty, and staff members are particularly urged to familiarize themselves with the sections of this site pertaining to parking restrictions, moving violations, parking violations, and penalties.
- Title 1, Section 2 – A vehicle registration permit/hang tag authorizes persons to park in the zones to which they are entitled only if space is available. A parking space is not guaranteed in those zones. Additional space is available for all persons in the stadium parking area and on Sale Street overflow lot west of Ryan Street.
- Title 1, Section 3 – Persons found to be in unauthorized possession of a vehicle hang tag or decal (using a hang tag/decal not issued to them) will be fined and will automatically receive revocation of their parking privileges for the remainder of the academic term. Subsequent violations of the revocation can result in fines and the immediate removal of the vehicle from campus at the owner’s expense.
- Title 1, Section 4 – The university has adopted the State of Louisiana traffic code and laws to include Title 14 and Title 32. These laws are enforceable as a university traffic violation that can be appealed to the University Traffic Appeals Committee.
University Traffic Regulations
General – Title 1
Section 101 – (a) McNeese State University traffic and parking regulations include both the provisions outlined in this bulletin and signs, street and curb markings, etc., as located throughout campus.
- (b) Parking is permitted only in designated parking areas and is expressly prohibited on streets, lawns, neutral grounds, sidewalks, in loading zones, fire zones, at bus stops, on sidewalk crossings, near fire hydrants, in front of barricades along service drives, or in not zoned areas.
- (c) During restricted hours (7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 7a.m. to 11:30a.m. on Friday), students, faculty, and staff personnel must park only in those zones, which their official university parking hang tag entitles them. (View the Parking Map)
Section 102 – The university assumes no responsibility for the safety and/or security of any vehicle or its contents at any time it is operated or parked on campus.
Section 103 – (a) The university reserves the right to tow and impound (or immobilize) vehicles abandoned or parked in any place or manner creating a potential hazard for pedestrian or vehicular traffic or impeding the movement of emergency equipment.
- (b) All vehicles parked on campus must be operable or are subject to being towed. The owners of towed/impounded vehicles are required to pay towing costs and impoundment fees.
Section 104 – All students, faculty, staff, employees of contractors and other organizations affiliated with or housed at McNeese are responsible for fines arising from violations incurred in the operation of their vehicles, including those incurred by other individuals who use said vehicles. This applies to all vehicles owned by or registered to the address of the responsible party.
Section 105 – University police officers are duly commissioned under the laws of the State of Louisiana, Calcasieu Parish, and the university. These officers are authorized to make arrests and issue citations for all types of traffic violations, criminal acts and university violations. All university police officers are certified as peace officers by the Louisiana Police Officer Standards and Training (POST) Commission.
Handicap Accessible Parking & Enforcement Title 2
Section 201 – (a) The university takes its responsibility in providing designated accessible parking spaces seriously in order to provide access to the campus for individuals with a physical disability. Enforcement is taken just as serious to ensure that these parking spaces are used appropriately.
- (b) Accessible parking violations are enforced 24 hours-a-day, year round and requires an ADA Accessibility Hang Tag.
- (c) Enforcement action such as a university citation, a state court citation and/or immobilization or impoundment can result for violators parking in a handicap space without a valid State of Louisiana Disabled Parking Hang Tag, disabled driver license plates or disabled veteran license plates displayed.
- (d) Law enforcement officers from other jurisdictions such as the Lake Charles Police Department, Marshal’s Office, Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office and Louisiana State Police can also take enforcement action on campus for a accessible parking violation (these citations are filed through the local Court system).
Section 202 – The State of Louisiana has adopted the American’s With Disabilities Act (ADA) standard for designating and marking an accessible parking space. Thus State law merely requires that a parking stall be posted with a handicap logo parking sign. However, the university tries to include blue parking stall striping whenever possible as a further marking courtesy, (LRS 40:1742, et al).
Section 203 – (a) Citations issued by McNeese Police through the campus parking violation system are $244 for the 1st offense and $344 for the 2nd and subsequent offenses, along with potential immobilization and/or impoundment.
- (b) There are additional fees associated with removing an immobilizer or for a registered owner to claim their car from a towing yard.
- (c) University police routinely issue an accessible parking citation through the state criminal court which has a mandatory fine of $500.
Section 204 – If you are a disabled resident of Louisiana, your disability must be certified by a physician to qualify for either the mobility impaired license plate or the mobility impaired hang-tag. There are several disability conditions which qualify you as mobility impaired in accordance with the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicle (OMV) rules. The disability must be classified by your physician as permanently impaired or as temporarily impaired.
You can download the Medical Examiner’s Certification of Mobility Impairment form (DPSMV 1966) which is necessary for obtaining either the mobility impairment license plates or the mobility impaired hang-tag. Provide the completed form to your physician for certification of the disability. Take the completed and certified form to your local Louisiana OMV for processing. Temporary hang-tags are valid for one year and permanent hang-tags are valid for four years. Disability license plates are valid for two years. There are fees assessed for each type of permit by OMV.
The Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles
Vehicle Registration – Title 3
Section 301 – (a) All faculty, staff, and students who operate vehicles on the campus must register their vehicles and properly affix an official university vehicle hang tag within 24 hours following the completion of the registration in any given semester.
- (b) Any official university vehicle is exempt from having to display a hang tag.
- (c) A vehicle hang tag authorizes persons to park in the zones to which they are entitled only if space is available.
- (d) A parking space is not guaranteed in those zones.
- (e) Additional space is available for all persons in the stadium parking area and in the Sale Road Overflow Lot.
Section 302 – (a) Motor vehicles operated on campus are required to adhere to university parking and traffic regulations.
- (b) Vehicles acquired at any time following the completion of the registration period on any given semester must be registered with McNeese Police before they may be operated on campus. With the exception of vehicles operated by bona fide visitors, all vehicles must be registered as for the use of university parking facilities. This includes all facilities on the main campus and the athletic complex.
- (c) University police officers may immobilize any vehicle receiving four (4) citations for violations of university parking regulations. Immobilization and/or towing may take place on subsequent violations.
- (d) Any vehicle which cannot be immobilized may be towed. Immobilized vehicles not claimed within 24 hours may be towed.
- (e) University police officers will assess an impoundment charge for the removal of wheel locking devices from vehicles. Vehicles are towed at the owner’s expense.
Section 303 – (a) Vehicle registration is completed at the McNeese Police Department located at 4497 Philip C Williams Drive. Hangtags will be issued during normal business hours 7:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday – Thursday and 7:30 am to 11:30 am on Friday. Hangtags will only be issued after-hours in the event of an emergency and must be preapproved by the Lieutenant.
- (b) Students/faculty/staff must know their Banner ID and present a current State vehicle registration form to register any vehicle to be on campus.
- (c) Texas residents that do not have a registration renewal must present a valid proof of insurance and have the license plate number of the vehicle being registered.
Section 304 – (a) Anyone issued a hangtag must bring the hangtag with them into the McNeese Police Department in order to validate the hangtag each semester.
- (b) McNeese Police will require a current State vehicle registration each time a hangtag is issued, validated, or if a new vehicle is added to the hangtag.
- (c) Student hangtags must be charged and/or paid prior to registering a vehicle. This may be done by (i) charging the permit to your student account through Banner Self Service, or (ii) by making a payment at the Cashier’s Window located in Smith Hall at 150 Lawton Drive in Lake Charles.
Section 305 – (a) Vehicle registration fees are collected at registration and are $18 for fall semester, $17 for spring semester and $15 for summer session. In the fall, students are also offered the option of registering for both fall and spring semesters; however, no portion of the combined $35 fee is refundable.
- (b) Hang tags may also be purchased for the entire year (fall / spring / summer) for $40.00 however, no portion of the combined $40 fee is refundable.
- (c) NO refunds are made on parking hang tags for whatever reason.
- (d) If a student or staff member drives more than one car to campus, each vehicle must be registered to the parking hang tag issued to that specific student or staff member.
- (e) No more than two (2) hangtags will be issued/purchased per student or staff member.
Section 306 – Receipt of a third hang tag will require hardship documentation submitted to the Traffic Control Committee.
Section 307 – (a) Faculty/staff may purchase, through payroll deduction, their annual hangtags for $5 at the McNeese Police office.
- (b) Faculty/staff must bring his or her current vehicle registration(s).
Section 308 – Visiting lecturers are required to have a Faculty/staff hang tag. They can purchase the hang tag for $5, through the cashiers window in Smith Hall at 150 Lawton Drive.
Section 309 – DO NOT THROW AWAY YOUR HANG TAG. (a) All hangtags are the property of McNeese Police Department and must be turned in upon resignation or graduation.
- (b) Graduating students must turn in their hangtag (during regular office hours) before receiving their diplomas.LOST OR STOLEN DECAL REPLACEMENT COST IS $35.
Section 310 – Recreation Center members who otherwise do not qualify for a student or staff hangtag, can only receive their permit once they have received permission from the Recreation Center staff and they must bring the approved receipt from the Recreation Center with their vehicle registration.
Permit/Hangtag Display – Title 4
Section 401 – (a) All parking hangtags must be properly displayed hanging from the front mirror of the vehicle with the permit number clearly visible from outside of the vehicle at all times.
- (b) Improper display or obscured display of a parking hangtag is a violation subject to enforcement.
Section 402 – Owners of registered vehicles must notify McNeese Police as soon as possible whenever their hangtag has been destroyed or otherwise rendered useless.
Section 403 – (a) The display of permits on vehicles other than those for which said permits are specifically issued constitutes a serious infraction of the Campus Traffic Regulations and may lead to the revocation of registration privileges.
- (b) Hang tag permits are transferable to vehicles operated by the person assigned to a parking hang tag, but the vehicles used by that individual must still be registered with the McNeese Police.
Section 404 – Expired permits/hang tags must be removed from vehicles.
Section 405 – (a) In case of emergency, you may obtain temporary permits at the McNeese Police office.
- (b) All vehicles must have permits or hang tags when on campus.
Section 406 – Students/faculty/staff are responsible for all vehicles operated on campus whether or not registered with the McNeese Police.
Section 407 – (a) Hang tags for the handicapped should be placed behind the MSU tag.
- (b) Handicapped persons must have ID card and be able to present it upon request.
Zone Parking – Title 5
Section 501 – (a) Restricted parking according to specifically designated zones is in effect Monday – Friday (officially recognized holidays excepted) from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. During these hours of restriction, faculty, staff, employees, and students are to park only in those zones to which they are entitled on the Parking Map.
- (b) After 4 p.m. students, faculty, and staff may park with permit in any legal parking space with the exception of Zone J (behind cafeteria), MSU POLICE ONLY (behind University Police), or spaces provided for the handicapped.
Section 502 – (a) Faculty/staff restricted hours parking areas are restricted to faculty/staff only.
- (b) All commuter student lots will be open for all parking (with permit) after 12 noon.
- (c) Faculty/staff lots will be open for all parking for faculty/staff and students (with permit) after 4 p.m.
- (d) Loading/unloading vehicles and visitors must obtain a temporary parking pass from McNeese Police.
Section 503 – No students are not allowed to park in faculty/staff parking areas until after 4 p.m.
Section 504 – Resident lots are reserved for residents only at all times.
Section 505 – The 15-minute parking in Zone A, adjacent to Student Services and the Bookstore, may be used by faculty, staff, and students with current hang tags. The time limit will be strictly enforced.
Section 506 – Parking behind the cafeteria is for cafeteria personnel only and is restricted for their use at all times.
Section 507 – (a) Residents are issued resident parking hang tags and must park only in lots assigned for use by residents of their respective residence halls between the hours of 7:00AM – Noon.
- (b) At other times they are subject to the same regulations as commuter students.
- (c) Escort service is available through the McNeese Police for those students who cannot find a parking space near their residence hall.
Section 508 – Vehicles parked in a manner creating a hazard, such as in fire zones, streets, or traffic lanes may be towed at owner’s expense.
Section 509 – Specially designated parking spaces for service vehicles are located adjacent to various buildings and are restricted to the use of service vehicles at all times.
Section 510 – Special parking permits (permits to park in any parking lot with the exception of visiting parking, wheelchair zones, and behind cafeteria) must be justified in writing and approved by the University Traffic Control Committee.
Alternate Parking For Full Lots – Title 6
Section 601 – (a) Faculty/staff may park in lots designated for students.
- (b) Faculty/staff are NOT allowed to park in the Student Parking Garage at any time.
Section 602 – (a) The university provides over 6,000 parking spaces on the University Campus, and even when the main campus may become congested during peak use hours, parking is available in the overflow lots.
- (b) Student parking is available at the stadium lot (Lot A) across McNeese Street (1,074 stalls are available) and at the temporary parking lot on the south side of Sale Road west of Ryan Street (over 300 spaces are available). This is the Old Charles Cinema location, designed by blue “Student Parking” signs.
Fines/Other Violations/Information – Title 7
Section 701 – Parking and Traffic Violations and Fines
No Permit
1st Offense | $30 |
2nd Offense | $40 |
3rd Offense | $55 |
4th Offense | $80 |
Incorrect Lot
1st Offense | $30 |
2nd Offense | $40 |
3rd Offense | $55 |
4th Offense | $80 |
Improper Parking
Parking Over Line | $30 |
Parking in Fire Zone | $200 |
Parking on Lawn | $50 |
Parking on Sidewalk | $50 |
Parking on Street | $50 |
Misuse of Decal
1st Offense | $55 |
2nd Offense | $110 |
Expired Decal
1st Offense | $30 |
2nd Offense | $40 |
3rd Offense | $55 |
4th Offense | $80 |
Handicap Parking Violation
1st Offense | $244 |
2nd Offense | $344 |
Blocking Handicap Ramp | $200 |
Immobilizer Removal
1st Offense | $50 |
2nd Offense | $100 |
3rd Offense | $150 |
Boot/Wheel Lock Tamper | $500 |
Prohibited Zone
1st Offense | $30 |
2nd Offense | $40 |
3rd Offense | $55 |
4th Offense | $80 |
Speeding on Street
1st Offense | $30 |
2nd Offense | $40 |
Speeding in Parking Lot
1st Offense | $30 |
2nd Offense | $40 |
Counterfeit Permit
1st Offense | $200 |
2nd Offense | $300 |
Loud Music
1st Offense | $30 |
2nd Offense | $60 |
3rd Offense | $120 |
Other Violations
Wrong Way on One Way Street | $30 |
Failure to Obey Police | $50 |
Improper Display of Permit | $30 |
Timed Zone Violation | $30 |
Blocking Drive | $25 |
Parking in a Travel Lane | $50 |
Failure to Yield | $30 |
Disregarding Stop Sign | $30 |
Littering | $50 |
Texting While Driving | $50 |
Dangerous Operation of a Vehicle | $150 |
Revocation Violation | $250 |
Unauthorized Possession of a Permit | $250+revocation of parking privileges for remainder of academic term |
Section 702 – All operators of vehicles on the campus are subject to the penalties for moving violations.
Section 703 – Reckless driving, driving while intoxicated, driving while under the influence of drugs, drag racing, and driving at excessively high rates of speed constitute serious moving violations. Citations issued for these offenses will be referred to District Court for prosecution under the traffic laws of the State of Louisiana.
Section 704 – Collision reports for on campus crashes will be on file at the McNeese Police Department.
Section 705 – Violations / fine amounts are subject to change by the Traffic Committee at any time.
Visitor Parking – Title 8
Section 801 – All visitors must obtain a temporary parking pass from McNeese Police.
Section 802 – (a) Visitors are entitled to the use of all parking areas and zones except those for specially designated service vehicles.
- (b) Visitors are NOT allowed to park in the student parking garage at any time.
- (c) Visitors receiving citations for parking violations, except for parking in handicapped and fire zones, are not subject to the payment of fines and penalties, but are requested to comply with the instructions found on the back of the ticket.
Section 803 – (a) Vehicles brought on campus by students, faculty members, staff personnel, or employees are not eligible for classification as a “visitor vehicle” under any circumstances.
- (b) Residents of MSU not currently enrolled in class are NOT visitors.
Section 804 – Large groups such as conventions, conferences, etc., who anticipate visiting the campus are required to make advance special parking arrangements with the McNeese Police Department, call 337-475-5711 during regular business hours, Monday – Friday.
Bicycle and Motorcycle Parking – Title 9
Section 901 – Bicycles are to be parked in the bicycle racks situated at various locations throughout the campus.
Section 902 – The locking of bicycles to trees, utility poles, etc., or the parking of bicycles along walkways, lawns, etc., or in any area that impedes the flow of pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic or hinders the work of the grounds maintenance crew are considered parking violations. These infractions subject the bicycle in question to impoundment.
Section 903 – Motorcycles are to be parked adjacent to bike racks and are subject to the same regulations as bicycles.
University Traffic Appeals Committee – Title 10
Section 1001 – (a) If a student or a member of the university faculty or staff believes a citation for a parking or other violation is unwarranted, an appeal may be made to the University Traffic Appeals Committee.
- (b) This committee is a quasi-judicial body organized under the authority granted by the State of Louisiana and consists of three faculty members and two representatives selected from the Student Government Association (SGA).
- (c) The committee has been formed to hear and take action on all such appeals.
- (d) One of the faculty members shall be designated to serve as chair of the committee.
- (e) A quorum is comprised of the members present.
Section 1002 – (a) Appeals against any violation citation issued by the McNeese Police may be filed within 7 calendar days of the date the citation was issued. Appeals must be filed online.
- (b) Failure to file a formal appeal to the University Traffic Appeals Committee within the prescribed 7-day time limit shall constitute a forfeiture of all appeal privileges.
Section 1003 – (a) The University Traffic Appeals Committee shall meet monthly at a time and place selected by its membership.
- (b) Once selected, the time and place of the meeting shall remain constant unless changed by appropriate committee action.
- (c) The committee shall keep McNeese Police informed as to its standing schedule so that the appellants may receive instructions on when and where to appear.
- (d) Appellants have the right to present witnesses and/or affidavits in support of their appeal. The university reserves the same right.
Crime Statistics – Title 11
Section 1101 – Continual efforts are made to inform the McNeese community of matters that affect personal safety and security. Regular reports regarding current problems and reported crimes are published in the student newspaper, as well as issues relevant to the campus community.
Section 1102 – (a) The McNeese Police Department also reports its monthly crime statistics to the Universities of Louisiana System and the FBI Uniform Crime Report.
- (b) University police blotters and arrest reports are available to the media daily and formal press releases are issued to address serious or unique problems that may also occur on campus.
- (c) The university believes that an informed public is a safer public. In compliance with the 1990 Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act, the most recent campus crime statistics are available online.
Penalties For Excessive Violations – Title 12
Section 1201 – (a) Individuals receiving four or more citations may be subject to immobilization of his or her vehicle for the fourth and subsequent violations.
- (b) All fines assessed to immobilized vehicles at the time of immobilization must be paid before the vehicle is released back to the owner.
- (c) Any other outstanding fines will be charged to the violators’ account for collection. Those who continue to violate the regulations after this point may be subject to disciplinary action, revocation of parking privileges, and towing of his or her vehicle at his or her expense.