Important Information

The Smart Choice

McNeese IDs

All McNeese students are required to have a photo identification card which also serves as the student’s library card. McNeese ID cards can be ordered online using this form and can be picked up at the University Police office, located between the library and Kirkman Hall on Philip Williams Drive. Your initial ID card is free, but there is a $10 charge for replacement cards.

Parking Hang Tags and Vehicle Registration

All vehicles parked on the McNeese campus by students, staff and faculty must be registered with University Police. For more information on obtaining a parking hang tag, visit this page. Parking registration information is maintained by the University Police and allows the police to contact a registered vehicle operator by phone, or cell if a vehicle is found damaged or victimized while parked on campus.

Enrolled Students are entitled to the Following Services

  • Student Health Center Services
  • Ability to Purchase Accidental & Health Insurance
  • Open Access Computer Labs
  • Admission to All Athletic Events
  • Admission to McNeese Theatre Productions
  • Admission to the Recreation Complex
  • Admission to McNeese Rodeos
  • Admission to Banners Series Events
  • Participation in Student Government and Student Union Board Functions

Key Campus Services

For information regarding the following services, contact the offices listed below during normal business hours.

Accessibility Services for Students337-475-5916
Career & Student Development Center337-475-5612
Counseling Center337-475-5136
Frazar Memorial Library337-475-5725
Health Services337-475-5748
Help Desk (Moodle or Email)337-475-5995
Lost and Found337-475-5609
Recreational Complex337-475-5371
Student Employment337-475-5102
University Bookstore337-475-5494
University Police337-475-5711
University Services337-475-5706
Key Campus Services and telephone numbers