Government Information
We Change Lives
Free, open, and equal access to government information is crucial in a free society. The mission of the Frazar Memorial Library's Government Information Department is to preserve and provide government information to benefit everyone, including those in the 3rd Congressional District of Louisiana and the McNeese State University community.
Our goal is to facilitate public access to government resources in a variety of formats. As a Selective Federal Depository Library, we collect about 60% of the information distributed at no cost by the U. S. Government Printing Office (GPO). As a Selective Depository for Louisiana government publications, we receive much of the information distributed at no cost via the Louisiana State Documents Depository Program.The collection also includes some international, regional, and local government information. Government information is available in many formats, including print, online, CD-ROM, and microform.
You can access government information through the library's online catalog, this page, and our Government LibGuide. Please feel free to visit us on the 4th floor. We are ready to assist you! For further info, call us at 337-475-5741.