We Change Lives
How Do I?
If you need help finding the information you need, please contact a librarian at 475-5725.
Research guides for finding print and online materials in each subject area are available here. You may also schedule an appointment with a librarian who specializes in your subject area. Their contact information is available on the guides.
From the Library's homepage, click on the Resources tab, then Databases. User ID and PIN information for off-campus access is on the left side of the screen.
Renew online by choosing the Resources tab, Catalog and then My Account.
Enter your User ID and PIN, to choose renewal of all or a portion of the items. Renewal in person is available by bringing item to the Circulation Desk. Further information is available under the Departments tab and Circulation or by calling 475-5722.
To order an item the McNeese Library does not own (please check Catalog), determine the citation of the item (author, title, date, pages, journal name, etc.) choose the Departments tab and Interlibrary Loan.
After creating an ILL account with unique Username and Password, fill out the appropriate electronic request. To order a journal article or a book from a database, click on the ILL icon, review and approve it, and you will receive an email when your article arrives
Click on Resources tab and Catalog. Enter a term in the keyword box (last name of author, etc.) and click Search.
The call number indicates which floor item is on for general collection items (A - H on 1st, J - PR 6036 on 2nd, and PR 6037 - Z on 3rd).
There are often many types of material in the results list:
General Collection (able to be checked out), Archives (local history/special collections, 1st floor), E-books (click on URL for access), Government Documents (click on URL for access, otherwise go to 4th floor), Reference is located behind Reference desk (can be copied, but stay in the library), Reserve (behind Circulation desk), and Oversized books (north side of the 3 floors).
Consult Departments and Circulation for more information or call the Reference Desk 475-5725.
Click on Resources tab and then Databases. Pick one of our three most popular:
Academic Search Complete (click in the full text box and or in scholarly/peer reviewed box for quality articles ),
JSTOR (all full text & scholarly/peer reviewed)
Project Muse (all full text & mostly scholarly/peer reviewed)
Enter a search term and execute search. Contact the Reference Desk if you are unable to access needed materials.
Click on Resources tab and Catalog.
Pick Advanced Search, and narrow down to:
Library: Frazar, Location: Media Collection - Circ. Dept., and click Search.
Items are located behind the Circulation desk.
Graduate students submit resume with class schedule to the Director's Executive Secretary located in the SW corner of the first floor of the McNeese Library, phone 475-5716, and wait to be called.
Undergraduate students contact Student Employment, Smith Hall 104A, 475-5102
Visit https://www.mcneese.edu/hr/employment/student/ for student employment opportunities.
Click on Library Info tab and Contact
Reference 475-5725, Circulation 475-5722, Director's Office 475-5716
Faculty User ID: Banner # + 01 (00000123401)
Student User ID: Banner # + 02 (00000123402)
To retrieve your PIN, go to the library home page and click on "My Account" under the search box for the library catalog, which is in the center column. Click on "Email me my PIN" to retrieve your PIN. You may change your PIN by clicking on "User PIN Change."
Click the Departments tab, then Circulation. Read "Checking Out Material" and "Renewals."
Reserve materials are located behind the circulation desk. Give the circulation staff the name of your professor to use the materials in the library for a limited time period.
Go to the library home page and click on "My Account" under the search box for the library catalog, which is in the center column. Click on Review My Account and enter your User ID and PIN
Go to the library home page and click on "My Account" under the search box for the library catalog, which is in the center column. Click on User Pin Change and enter your User ID and PIN.
Pick the Departments tab and Circulation. Click on Fines and Bills.
No fines are levied for overdue library materials. Customers will be billed by the Circulation Department for the full replacement cost of unreturned materials. After five weeks they will be blocked from checking out material, the replacement cost will be billed to their university account if they are McNeese students.
Community Members
Visitors to McNeese may browse shelves, utilize desktop computers and access the campus wireless network. Printing is free for the first 20 pages, with a donation of $0.10 per page after that limit. Library staff in the Archives and Government Information Departments may assist visitors with their collections. Community members may check out library materials and utilize Inter-Library Loan (ILL) services when they have become members of the Friends of the Libraries group.
In order to join the Friends of the Library group and check out books, DVDs, testing materials, and enjoy other benefits and services, you will need to turn in a form with payment. Membership dues are $15 per year.
Payment is by cash or check made payable to McNeese Foundation.
Send payment to:
Friends of McNeese University Libraries
Box 91445
Lake Charles 70609
Go to the library home page and click on "My Account" under the search box for the library catalog, which is in the center column. Click on Review My Account and enter your User ID and PIN
Community members may visit the CMC and browse their collection on-site. However, due to the mission of the CMC, circulation of CMC materials is usually not granted to Friends of the Library, students from other universities, or visitors.
Community members may visit the Performing Arts Library and view materials on-site. Due to the mission of the Performing Arts Library, circulation of their collections is usually not granted to Friends of the Library, students from other universities, or visitors. There is equipment for audio-visual materials; but priority use is for McNeese faculty, students, and staff.
Faculty and staff may reserve the McNeese Conference Room, Classroom A computer lab, or Room C classroom.
Effective September 1, 2010:
For 1-3 meetings, contact the Reference Department at (337) 475-4725. Reference staff can consult the library events calendar and reserve rooms. For 3+ meetings, reference staff will need permission from the library director - Debbie Johnson-Houston (475-5715 or djohnsonhouston@mcneese.edu) before reserving classrooms.
Faculty and staff may place items on reserve at the Circulation Desk. These can be either library materials or personal materials from faculty and staff. However, library staff will install barcode, call numbers, and security stickers on all materials.
Bring materials to the Circulation Desk, circulation staff will supply you with a Reserve Materials Work Order form. Full-time circulation staff will handle the rest. Usually, materials will be on the reserve shelf in about 1-2 business days.
Non-library materials will not be included in the library catalog, so be sure to inform your students that materials are on reserve in the library. Faculty and staff also decide how long to keep materials on reserve and whether they may circulate outside of the library.
In the Fall of 2010 Frazar Library faculty began to reinvigorate the Library Liaison Program. To this end, library faculty are expected to increase contact with their assigned academic departments and turn in monthly reports to the library administration. The new library website and subject guides (LibGuides) are part of this process.
To request materials, contact your library liaison through the new subject guides (LibGuides). You may also directly contact the Acquisitions Librarian - Lonnie Beene (475-5724 or acquisitions@mcneese.edu).
There are two ways to set up library instruction sessions.
One, there is a new online form on our new website. Near the top of the page is the "Library Instruction" Tab, clicking on it will direct you to the online form, or
Two, contact Tracy Hall (475-5738 or thall@mcneese.edu). She coordinates the instruction sessions among the Reference librarians.
Interlibrary Loan
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a system of borrowing and lending resources (books, audio-visual materials, and articles) used by libraries throughout the United States and even worldwide. Interlibrary Loan allows Frazar Memorial Library to obtain materials not available locally from other participating libraries. Materials borrowed through Interlibrary loan are short-term loans, usually 3-4 weeks. Long-term research or semester loans are not possible.
Books, videos/dvds, audiocassettes/cds, government documents, newspapers on microfilm, and theses and dissertations can usually be borrowed. Photocopies of journal or magazine articles and microfilm copies of newspaper articles can be obtained through interlibrary loan. Requests are subject to the policies of the lending library and U.S. copyright laws.
McNeese State University cannot request e-books via ILL.
As of May 1, 2009, the ILL staff will not process requests for textbooks.
You can submit requests at any time through your ILLiad user account:
Many of the Library's databases have the option to make an interlibrary loan request when the full-text of the article is not provided. Just click on the "ILL FORM" link and log into your ILLiad account. The system will provide all bibliographic information. The WorldCat database will also submit your request by clicking on "Order through ILL."
Every request is different. Most articles can be delivered electronically within 3-4 business days. Most books can be delivered one (1) week. Some resources will take longer if it is necessary to obtain them from libraries outside of Louisiana.
There is no charge to you obtain material through interlibrary loan services. The cost to the library is about $18.00 per request.
Most library patrons will receive an email informing them that requested materials have arrived. Depending upon your ILL account settings, ILL staff may call you with the information.
Most electronic articles will available via an email with links sent by ILL staff. These will be available for downloading and printing for 30 days. If you lose the link sent in the email, you will be able to log into your ILL account and retrieve these requests by clicking on "View/Download Electronically Delivered Requests."
Most items mailed to Frazar Library will include a band indicating a due date. Most books are on loan for about 3 weeks; but audio-visual materials are loaned for about 1 week.
One renewal may be allowed at the discretion of the lending library. No renewals are allowed if the item is already overdue. If you wish to renew an Interlibrary Loan book, please contact the Interlibrary Loan Office at (337) 475-5726 between the hours of 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or send e-mail to the Interlibrary Loan Librarian before the due date.
Borrowers will receive an overdue notice for delinquent items. Failure to return overdue materials will result in the loss of borrowing privileges. You are responsible for return of materials in good condition and any replacement cost for lost materials for non-returned materials.
We want to return materials on time. Other libraries may limit or prohibit future loans to the McNeese Library if materials are not returned within a reasonable time.
Library Facilities
Five study rooms for student use are available in the library and may be checked out on a first-come, first-served basis at the Circulation Desk.
Four study carrels for student use are available on the 4th Floor of the library and are used on first-come, first-served basis. No sign in is required.
The library has three possible locations for classes: the McNeese Conference Room on the first floor, Room C across from the coffee shop on the first floor, and Room A on the second floor. If you are still not sure where your class is meeting, you may inquire at the Reference Desk on the first floor.
Library Technology
All students, faculty and community patrons have FREE access to the library computers. Library computers are located on all four floors of Frazar Memorial Library.
The McNeese State University wireless network for students, staff and faculty is identified as McNeese Air. Once a browser is open, users will be redirected to a LOGIN page. Currently enrolled students, faculty and staff simply login using their PORTAL user name and password to gain access.
All seated library computer stations have web browsers (Firefox and Internet Explorer) and Microsoft Office. The stand-alone stations have Firefox and Open Office software.
Kurzweil 2000 software is available on one seated library computer station near the entrance to Archives. Please ask for further assistance at the Reference desk.
Printing is FREE in the library for the first 20 pages. Cash donations of .10 cents per page are suggested after that and payment will be accepted at the Reference desk on the first floor of the library.
First floor computers print to one central printer located across from the Reference desk.
Second floor TASC lab computers print to the computer station located inside the TASC lab.
Additional second floor computers and Room A computers print to the central printer located on the second floor.
Third floor computers will send a print job to the 2nd floor central printer.
Fourth floor computers print jobs on the 4th floor.
Four scanners are located on the first floor of the library and may be used on a first-come, first-served basis.
Readers and self-service printers for microforms and microfiched are kept in the microforms room on the second floor. The Serials Desk on the second floor is staffed during regular library hours, to provide assistance in using the microforms and microfiche.
A series of Information Literacy Instruction videos are available for anyone who needs more guidance on everything from the Frazar Memorial library catalog to how to search a database that the library has purchased, which can be accessed under Research Help section of the web site. If you have any questions please contact the Reference department at 337-475-5738.
For citation assistance please visit the RESOURCE tab located as the top of the library homepage and select Citation/Style Guides. From there you will find specific information about the different style/citation guides that exist. If you need further assistance please visit the Reference desk on the first floor of the library. There you will always find hard copy print style guides available for you to use. These copies must be used in the library ONLY and you will be asked to leave your student I.D. with the Reference librarian while you use the style guide.
Use your subject guide (also called a libguide) as a starting point for your particular subject. Each guide will be updated by the particular subject librarian. To be notified of these updates, consider setting up an RSS feed for your guide.