Harold and Pearl Dripps School of Agricultural Sciences

Your First Choice

McNeese Dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences Dr.Chip LeMieux headshot

We’re excited to welcome you to McNeese State University’s Harold and Pearl Dripps School of Agricultural Sciences, the home of our many bachelor’s and master’s degree programs related to agriculture, animal sciences and food and nutrition.

The agricultural industry in Southwest Louisiana and nationwide is constantly growing and changing, which is why we strive to offer programs that are broad, versatile and provide gateways into a variety of career fields. We also offer many opportunities to get on-the-job training through internships and student employment opportunities, and with a faculty mentor here to mentor you through the process of choosing your classes, we know you’ll graduate from McNeese with the knowledge, skills, experience and roadmap needed to start your career.

Have a look around at what we have to offer — our three farms and our campus home, Gayle Hall, are where you can find programs and opportunities you can find only at McNeese. Explore our degree programs and see if one is a good fit for you.

Frederick “Chip” LeMieux, Dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences

Areas of Study

Bachelor’s Degrees

Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Conservation Management


Agricultural Sciences, Minor
Environmental Science, Minor
Nutrition, Minor
Wildlife Management, Minor

Master’s Degrees

Environmental and Chemical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences Concentration, MS
Environmental and Chemical Sciences, Environmental Science Concentration, MS
Master of Science in Nutritional Sciences

Program Brochures

Agricultural Sciences
Food Technology
Natural Resource Conservation Management
Nutrition and Dietetics

Department Contact

Dr. Frederick "Chip" LeMieux, Department Head
Harold and Pearl Dripps School of Agricultural Sciences
Tel: (337) 475-5690