Support the Kay Doré Counseling Clinic

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Gifts to the Kay Doré Counseling Clinic can be made by check and mailed to the address below.  The check must be made out to McNeese State University with ‘The Kay Doré Counseling Clinic’ in the memo line.

McNeee State University
Box 92935
Lake Charles, Louisiana 70609

Alternatively, if you are looking to make a donation that must be to a non-profit organization, we also have a means of receiving funds.  Donations made to the McNeese Foundation, with ‘The Kay Doré Counseling Clinic’ in the memo line will be credited to our foundation account.  

McNeese Foundation
Box 91989
Lake Charles, LA 70609

A donation can also be made online with ‘The Kay Doré Counseling Clinic’ notated in the “Specific College, Department, Scholarship or Support Unit you wish to support” field.