Physical Plant

What We Do…

The Physical Plant is responsible for:

  • maintaining and repairing various building components and underground utilities in order to keep the campus operating on a day-to-day basis
  • keeping the vehicle fleet maintained
  • operating the university’s receiving warehouse

The physical plant employs carpenters, electricians, plumbers, painters, air conditioning mechanics, automotive mechanics, a warehouseman, and a locksmith.
Physical Plant is located in Room 100 in the Facilities Management Complex at 4406 Common Street, to the Southeast of Drew Hall.

Contact Information and Hours of Operation
Regular Business Hours

Phone: 337-475-5891   Fax: 337-475-5347

Delivery Hours
7:45-11:25 and 12:30-4:15

Phone: 337-475-5882

Mailing Address
MSU Physical Plant
Box 90460
Lake Charles LA 70609
Shipping Address
McNeese State University Warehouse
ATTN: (insert name) OR REF: (insert PO#)
LAKE CHARLES LA 70607-4508

How Do I…

make a maintenance request?

Call 475-5891 to report by phone (preferred)
Email to report by email

Please don’t use email for a maintenance emergency!

During regular work hours, call Physical Plant at 475-5891
After regular work hours, call University Police 475-5711 (dispatcher will notify appropriate maintenance personnel)

make a key request?

Call 475-5891 to have a Key Request form sent to you. Fill out form and get approval signature. Then fax to 475-5347.

reserve a vehicle?

Call 475-5891 to check availability, then process a travel request through your department.
Fax completed travel requests to 475-5347.