Building Coordinators for Maintenance and Building Safety

Automotive Shop Maintenance 
Band Hall Sue Miller 
Bookstore (temporarily in Parra Ballroom) & Bookstore Storage Donna Martin 
Burton Business Center (BBC) Connie Major 
Bulber Auditorium Brook Hanemann 
Business Conference Center (BCC) Connie Major 
CAMPP (Lacassine) Dusty Zaunbrecker 
Central Plant Maintenance 
Chozen Hall Teni Tillery 
Cowboy Club Maintenance 
Cowboy Stadium Kolby Carter 
Cowgirl Diamond and Field Dana Dunbar 
Credit Union Ron Cobb 
Doland Athletic Complex Kolby Carter 
Drew Hall/ Engineering 
Technology Lab Building (Drew/ETL) 
Dennis Bennett 
Equipment Barn (Farm) Paula Babineaux 
Facilities Planning & Management Complex Kevin Martin Gary Whatley 
Farm, generally Paula Babineaux 
Farrar Hall To Be Demolished 
Frasch Hall Harry Meyer 
Frazar Memorial Library Walt Fontane 
Gayle Hall & 
Gayle Annex 
Tom Shields 
Grounds Building (East of Cowboy Stadium) Maintenance 
Hardtner Hall Bob Guillory 
Hardtner Clinic Maria Elkhyari 
HC Drew Center Currently empty 
Hay Barn (Farm) Paula Babineaux 
Hazmat Building Ryan Giggar 
Hodges St. Field House Dana Dunbar 
Holbrook Student Union Portia Metoyer 
Information Technology, University Computing Services, & Network Services Fred Fruge 
Joe Miller Ballpark & Baseball Complex Jimmy Rickelfsen 
Kaufman Hall Liz Fuselier 
KBYS Radio (4120 Ryan Street) Chad Thibodeaux 
Kirkman Hall – Math Nancy Thompson 
Kirkman Hall – Science Rita Boyd 
Legacy Center Kolby Carter 
Maintenance Shops & Warehouse Maintenance 
MAP Trailers – Map April Broussard 
MAP Trailers – KDCC Camille Dufrene 
Memorial Gym To Be Demolished 
MSU Police (former Infirmary Bldg) William Scheufens 
New Ranch Portia Metoyer 
Old Ranch Portia Metoyer 
Parking Garage Maintenance 
Post Office (temporarily in Parra Ballroom) Becky Williams 
President’s Home Maintenance 
Property Storage Trena Stebins 
Residence Halls Hoffpauir Properties 
SEED Center Heather Lejeune 
Shearman Fine Arts Libby Looney 
Shearman Fine Arts Annex & Tritico Theater Bill Rose 
Smith Hall Victoria Roach Roxane Fontenot 
Stream Alumni Center & Pavilion Sarah Leonards 
Student Health Center (opening soon) Maria Elkhyari 
Student Union Annex Portia Metoyer 
Tennis Complex Jordan Owens Lacie Wentzel 
Track Complex Brendan Gilroy 
Visitor’s Dressing Room in Cowboy Stadium Maintenance 
Ward Memorial Arena/Recreation Sports Complex Jordan Owens Lacie Wentzel