Accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the General Criteria.
Engineering Program Mission Statement
The Engineering Program provides education in chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical engineering that is professionally focused and practice-oriented within a student friendly environment. We prepare our students to practice engineering, focusing on the industrial needs of the region. We meet the needs of traditional and non-traditional students through close contact with the faculty, the staff, and industrial engineers and managers in our region. We maintain an up-to-date curriculum that fosters inter-disciplinary teamwork, scholarly development, cooperation with regional industry and engineering ethics.
Engineering Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
Consistent with McNeese State University’s mission, engineering graduates will:
- Practice engineering and to be successful in solving the engineering problems encountered in industry, government or private practice.
- Possess the motivation and skills to advance into positions of increased responsibility and to pursue continuing education or graduate studies.
- Act as ethical and professional engineers, and also as responsible members of their communities and the larger society.
Engineering Program Student Outcomes (SOs)
At the time of completion of the engineering program at McNeese State University, graduates will possess all of the following:
- An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering;
- An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as analyze and interpret data;
- An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs;
- An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams;
- An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems;
- An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility;
- An ability to communicate effectively through oral presentation;
- An ability to communicate effectively through written communication;
- The education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context;
- A recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning;
- A knowledge of contemporary issues;
- An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
The Computer Science program at McNeese State University is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, under the computer science criteria.
Computer Science Program Mission Statement
The Computer Science Program at McNeese State University provides students with a solid grounding in computer science, enables students to become effective problem solvers, fosters the students’ ability to effectively convey their technical knowledge and encourages students to become responsible computer science professionals. The degree will prepare students for a career in the field of computer science or for admission into a graduate program in computer science or a related field of study.
Computer Science Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
The Computer Science Program seeks to produce graduates who can:
- Become productive, responsible computing science professionals capable of conducting research and/or designing, developing or maintaining projects in the various areas of computer science;
- Understand and apply ethical issues and social aspects of computing science in performing their duties as computer science professionals; and
- Continue learning new technologies in the computer science area through self-directed professional development or post-graduate education.
Computer Science Student Outcomes (SO)
At the time of completion of the Computer Science Program at McNeese State University, graduates will possess all of the following:
- An ability to apply knowledge of computing science and mathematics appropriate to the discipline;
- An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution;
- An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component or program to meet desired needs;
- An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal;
- An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities;
- An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences;
- An ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations and society;
- Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional development;
- An ability to use current techniques, skills and tools necessary for computing practice;
- An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles and computer science theory in the modeling and design of computer-based systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoffs involved in design choices;
- An ability to apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity.