1.13.2 Special Hazards

Vice President of Business Affairs

Office of Environmental, Health, Safety & Hazardous Waste

Posted On: July 31, 2013 |


  1. McNeese State University is subject to state and federal guidelines as it deals with special hazards associated with chemical wastes, asbestos, and radiation on its campus.


  1. It is the responsibility of department heads/supervisors to ensure that all personnel are aware of and follow the guidelines associated with chemical wastes, asbestos, and radiation.

Chemical Wastes

  1. Hazardous Wastes
    1.   Program elements include the safe containerization, labeling, and transporting of waste chemicals to the Hazardous Waste Collection Center.
      1.   At the center, waste is received, segregated, packed, manifested and picked-up for shipment by the transporter/disposer to a licensed disposal site.
      2.   For the disposal of chemical waste, department heads/supervisors should fill out and forward a Request For Collection of Hazardous Material Form (Section 7: Forms) to the University’s Environmental, Health, Safety and Hazardous Waste Officer.
        1.   Proper containerization and labeling should be done by the appropriate department before contacting the Environmental, Health, Safety, and Hazardous Waste Officer.
          1.   Chemicals that have been deemed compatible should be safely mixed or blended, thereby reducing the number of containers and making the disposal more efficient and economical. Percentage of each blended chemical shall be identified when requesting disposal.
          2.   Unknown chemical wastes cannot be accepted.
            1.   Should analytical tests have to be undertaken, the cost will be borne by the department which has created the waste.
        2.   A time will be scheduled for pick-up and transport to the Hazardous Waste Collection Center or a mutual decision to have waste picked up from generation site may be discussed and agreed to by both the department and the Hazardous Waste Officer.


  1.   Management Plans
    1.   Asbestos management plans for McNeese State University have been developed in accordance pursuant to federal and state guidelines for asbestos containing materials in schools and public buildings.
      1.   Management plans are updated when inspections and periodic surveys are carried out.
      2.   Management plans are also updated whenever response actions are taken, including operation and maintenance.
  2.   Response Actions
    1.   Should a building occupant suspect asbestos problems, i.e., fallen material on floors, exposed pipe insulation, he/she should contact Physical Plant personnel or the University’s Environmental, Health, Safety and Hazardous Waste Officer.
      1.   Personnel from the maintenance group have been trained in how to handle the suspect material in a proper and safe way, thereby limiting exposure of the building occupants.


  1.   Radiation Protection Program
    1.   McNeese State University has established policies and procedures designed to foster regulatory compliance, to promote the safe use of radiation-producing devices and radioactive materials, and to maintain radiation exposures to personnel as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).
    2.   Personnel using radioactive materials and /or radiation sources are expected to be familiar with and operate within these policies and procedures.
    3.   These policies and procedures are administered by the Dean of the College of Science Engineering and Mathmatics and the University’s Radiation Safety Officer.
      1.   A Radiation Safety Committee serves in an advisory capacity and is appointed by the Dean of the College of Science.
  2.   Policy Availability
    1.   The most current radiation program policies and procedures may be obtained from the office of the Dean of the College of Science or the University’s Radiation Safety Officer.

Document Details

Issue Date: 05/12/04
Review Date: 03/15/2021
Revision NO: 2.0
Revision Date: 03/16/2021
Revision Note: Under “Chemical Waste” Added item/sentence and modified language under 1.2.2: 3/16/2021