1.14 Candles / Open Flame Devices

Vice President of Business Affairs

Office of Environmental, Health, Safety & Hazardous Waste

Posted On: July 31, 2013 |


  1.   Generally, the use of candles, incense, potpourri and other open flame devices such as lamps and lanterns, is prohibited in the University’s academic buildings, offices, residence halls and housing.
  2.   However, candles and open flame devices may be used subject to certain restrictions.


  1. Candles and / or open flame devices are limited to use during a religious, cultural, social or honorary event, as well as any catered function.
  2.   An ‘Open Flame Permit’ (Section 7: Forms) must be obtained from the Building Coordinator at least ten (10) days before said ceremony or function is to be held.
    1.   A copy of the permit will be sent to the University’s Environmental, Health, Safety and Hazardous Waste Office.


  1. Approval will be granted for specific dates, times, and locations.
  2.   Candles and/or open flame devices must be under constant supervision, not unattended while burning.  
    1.   An approved fire extinguisher shall be immediately available in the area and a person will be present who has been trained in its use, serving as a fire watch.
  3.   Candles and/or open flame devices shall be lit only during the ceremony or function.  
    1.   Flames will be immediately extinguished at the conclusion of the ceremony or function.
  4.   Candles and/or open flame devices must be kept in stationary, securely supported non-combustible holders.
  5.   No candle or open flame device shall be placed in a polystyrene holder or decoration.
  6.   Candles and/or open flame devices must not be placed on windowsills or other areas that are unstable; or, where they could come into contact with curtains or other hanging objects.
  7.   Candles and/or open flame devices will not be permitted in areas where occupants are standing in aisles or exits.
  8.   Readily combustible materials, including draperies and curtains, must be secured at least three (3) feet from an open flame.
  9.   Candles and/or open flame devices must not be used in close proximity to heat or smoke detectors or sprinkler heads in such a way that the heat or smoke might activate the device.

Document Details

Issue Date: 02/27/04
Review Date: 03/15/2021
Revision NO: 0.0
Revision Date: None at this time
Revision Note: None