Visual Disabilities Policy

It is our policy and procedure to meet with individuals with visual disabilities to discuss their academic adjustments and needs. All students with visual disabilities qualify for note takers, Extended test time, a distraction-reduced testing environment, oral testing if preferred, scribe services/transcribe services for tests, and the option of using a tape recorder in class. For students who require their books in an accessible format, we offer alternative text formats such as books on tape or CD, electronic format such as E-text, and books in large print.

It is important that the student notifies the Office of Accessibility Services in a timely fashion when requesting alternative text formatting. The student is responsible for providing a receipt of the purchased textbook. We contact various agencies, starting with the publisher, when accommodating alternative formatting. All textbook requests need to be made in a timely fashion. If it is an in-house written book, it may take longer for the publisher to accommodate requests. We may have to locate alternative sources to make the text accessible and/or available. So it is imperative that all textbook requests be made in a timely fashion.

We can offer books in alternative formatting through the publishers from agencies that we prescribe to. Students are responsible for purchasing their books like every other student. Most publishers have an area on their website for alternative format requests. Often this service is free as long as proof of purchase is provided. Students must produce a paid receipt for the text they are requesting in another format. Most books are now available in electronic format, and is sent to the Director of Disability Services by electronic email. Students are required to purchase a thumb drive so that the director can transfer their books to the drive for them.