McNeese Operations for Jan. 23 and 24

McNeese will continue to hold classes online Thursday, Jan. 23 and anticipates returning to in-person classes on campus for Friday, Jan. 24. The Thursday and Friday work schedules for offices will be reversed.
On Thursday, employees will continue to work remotely for half a day only in the morning from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Some essential personnel may be contacted by their supervisors to report in person on Thursday to assist with recovery efforts.
On Friday, all employees should return to work for a full day (7:30 a.m. until 5 p.m.) and all offices will reopen for a full day in order to catch up on backlogged work. Employees should reach out to their supervisors and students should reach out to their instructors as soon as possible to make arrangements if there is any reason they cannot return to work or class on Friday.
A message will be sent on Thursday to confirm campus operations for Friday as soon as road conditions for Friday can be better assessed, so continue to monitor your McNeese email, the website and social media for further updates.
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