McNeese Online Criminal Justice Programs Nationally Recognized
McNeese State University’s online criminal justice programs have been ranked top in the country by and has included McNeese in its Top 5 Best Online Probation Officer Degree Programs, with the special distinction of Best Public University. Over 1,500 accredited colleges and universities from across the U.S. were evaluated for the ranking, which was based on curriculum quality, graduation rate, reputation and post-graduate employment. has also included McNeese’s bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in criminal justice in its Top 50 Best Online Criminal Justice Degree programs, with McNeese ranked as the only online bachelor’s degree program from Louisiana. Among the criteria for the ranking were curriculum excellence, faculty scholarship and strength of online instruction methodology.
“This is another example of the great accomplishments of our criminal justice faculty and our commitment to ‘Excellence with a Personal Touch,’” says Dr. Gregory Clark, head of the department of social sciences.
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