Travel to a country identified by CDC as being high risk for traveler’s contracting Ebola Virus has been temporarily suspended for all university students and employees. To ensure that safety precautions can be made upon return from travel, any student or employee who voluntarily travels to such countries despite warnings shall comply with the following:
- Travel plans to countries identified as having high risk of contracting Ebola Virus ( shall be reported to Student Health Services by the traveler as soon as possible, preferably at least 5 days prior to travel.
- Upon notice of travel, the student/employee will be advised of MSU and UL system Ebola Policy so that they are aware of safety plans that will go into effect upon their return.
- The traveler’s name, phone number, email address, and dates of travel, and countries visited, arrived in, and departed from shall be recorded.
- Student Health Center will immediately report this information to the local public health office (Calcasieu Parish Health Unit—Dr. BJ Foch, Regional Medical Director of DHH, 337-478-3230, 337-478-6020) and send this information via email to EPI at
- Senior Staff (Vice Presidents and President) of McNeese State University shall remain updated of any travel plans reported to DHH.
Upon return from travel to a country identified by the CDC as high risk of contracting Ebola, the following safety plans shall be followed as per most recent CDC recommendations:
- Persons determined to have a HIGH risk level shall comply with CDC and DHH recommendations for Direct Active Monitoring of symptoms, while observing restricted travel and restricted access to public activities (including public workplace environments, public academic environments, public dining halls, public transportation, etc.) for 21 days. The University may VOLUNTARILY provide accommodations to allow persons to continue their academic coursework or employment in the event that exposure occurred because of the ill student or employee’s VOLUNTARY travel to countries known to have threat of Ebola. Sick leave and annual leave will be used and depleted before an employee is placed on Leave Without Pay during the 21 day period.
- Persons determined to have SOME risk level shall comply with CDC and DHH recommendations for Direct Active Monitoring of symptoms, and a case-by-case assessment for complying with restricted public activities and travel will be determined for 21 days.
- Persons determined to have LOW risk will either be directed to comply with Active Direct Monitoring or Active Monitoring, but will NOT have any restriction in travel or public activities for 21 days.
- Persons who are in HIGH, SOME, or LOW risk categories who develop fever or other symptoms (e.g. headache, fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting, muscle pain) during the 21 day period MUST have a medical examination to determine whether or not they have Ebola. They shall be immediately transported to a hospital and remain in isolation until healthcare officials are certain that the person does not have Ebola.
- CDC and DHH will be consulted regarding necessary disinfection and sterilization that may need to occur. This may require a professional cleaning company wearing appropriate PPE.
- CDC and DHH will be consulted regarding necessary cancellation of university events (e.g. sporting events, nonessential travel to other universities for competition sports, etc.)
- CDC and DHH will be consulted regarding any screenings done on campus to multiple students and/or employees to help determine likelihood of exposure of contagious diseases like Ebola. Race or nationality are not to be used to determine which students get the screenings/questionnaire.
- In the absence of guidance from public health officials, institutions shall not exclude from attendance students who are NOT showing symptoms of illness.
McNeese Student Health Services is a limited scope, acute care facility for enrolled students. It may function as a possible healthcare entry-point for students currently on-campus who present with symptoms to be assessed, isolated, and then immediately transferred to an appropriate medical facility (such as a hospital) for treatment.
If a student/faculty/or staff is off-campus at the time they present symptoms, they should call the nearest emergency room BEFORE arriving at their facility. An ambulance may be called for transport if the patient has no other mode of transportation to the hospital. Public Transportation should be AVOIDED when a person is symptomatic.
This document is subject to change per guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals.
*Nothing in these guidelines shall be applied in a manner which violates, or is contrary to, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the Family Medical Leave Act, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), or any other applicable federal or state law, rule, or regulation.