SAMBA Bylaws
Bylaws of SAMBA
The name of this organization will be the Student Association for Methods in Behavior Analysis, hereinafter referred to as the Chapter. It will be represented by the initials SAMBA. The purpose of SAMBA is to promote the advancement of behavior analysis as a science and as a profession by all means permitted by the bylaws.
Section 1. Active members. Active members are students of McNeese State University who are making the study of Applied Behavior Analysis one of their major interests or who are faculty members or alumni from the College of Education of McNeese State University. All shall possess high standards of personal behavior. Active members shall be entitled to participate in all chapter meetings and shall have the right to vote.
A. Student Members shall be students of at least junior standing enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs of the university at the time of induction. Only graduate student members shall be entitled to hold the following chapter offices: president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. Only undergraduate student members shall be entitled to hold the chapter office of the undergraduate representative.
B. Faculty Members or alumni from the College of Education of McNeese State University with an interest in ABA may become active members. Faculty Members or alumni shall not be eligible to hold chapter office.
Section 2. Membership in SAMBA is open to qualified candidates of any age, sex, sexual orientation, race, handicap or disability, color, religion, and national and ethnic origin.
Section 3. Election to membership or to revoke membership shall be by a two-thirds vote at a regular meeting of the Chapter.
Section 1. The officers of this chapter shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and an Undergraduate Student Representative. The officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws, and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Chapter.
Section 2. At the regular chapter meeting preceding the meeting at which the election of officers is to be held, a nominating committee of three to five active members shall be elected. The chair shall be a member of the Executive Committee, and at least one member shall be a faculty member of McNeese State University. It shall be the duty of this committee to nominate candidates for the offices to be filled at the regular meeting. Before the election, additional nominations from the floor shall be permitted.
A. The first election of officers will be made by the Chapter Advisor. These officers will hold this position until the first official election as a Chapter.
Section 3. The officers shall be elected by ballot to serve for one year or until their successors are elected, and the term of office shall begin in the month of May. In the event there is only one candidate for an office, the election may be by voice vote.
Section 4. No member shall hold more than one office at a time, and no member shall serve more than two terms in the same office.
Section 5. Should the office of President become vacant, it shall be filled by the Vice President. A vacancy in any other office shall be filled by the Executive Committee with the approval of the Chapter Advisor.
Section 1. The Chapter shall have a Chapter (Faculty) Advisor who is a member of the faculty of McNeese State University. The Chapter Advisor shall serve as long as he or she fulfills the qualifications and needs of this Chapter.
Section 2. The Chapter Advisor shall assist the Chapter in fulfilling its purpose.
Section 1. All members are required to be a student, faculty member, or alumni of McNeese State University and are responsible for their dues, which are due on a yearly basis. Payment and registration is to be made to the Chapter through McNeese State University, Department of Psychology.
These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Chapter by a two-thirds vote, provided the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting or has been submitted in writing to all active members of the Chapter at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered.
Section 1. Regular Meetings. The Executive Committee and the Chapter Advisor shall determine the number of regular meetings to be held during the year and shall distribute a schedule of these meetings to each active member.
Section 2. Special Meetings. Special Meetings can be called by the President or the Executive Committee and shall be called upon the written request of ten active members of the Chapter. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call, and business shall be limited to that which is stated in the call. Except in cases of emergency, at least three days’ notice shall be given.
Section 3. Quorum. Those active members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Chapter and the Chapter Advisor.
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the Chapter between its business meetings, fix the hour and place of meetings, and make recommendations to the Chapter.
Section 3. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the President or by any 2 members of the committee.
Section 1. The presidential duties should consist of:
- Promote awareness of SAMBA to the campus community and the community at large
- Publicize all SAMBA events, programs, and activities
- Distribute calendars with activities
- Submit newsworthy items about chapter or individual members to campus and community media.
- Solicit news items for members
- Organize and plan for awards to be presented to outstanding students members and faculty
- Fundraising
- Organize conferences/Speaker/Symposia/Colloquia/Workshops
- Service projects/Philanthropies/Tutoring/Advising
Section 2. The Vice President’s duties should consist of:
- Organize membership drives
- Establish, maintain good relations with campus media
- Submit newsworthy items about chapter or individual members to campus and community media.
- Ensure that all students information is gathered and processed properly to determine eligibility for membership
- Plan induction ceremonies, preferably at least two each year
- Ensure that members are aware of national ABA research awards and grants
- Fundraising
Section 3. The Administrator duties should consist of:
- Ensure that all registration materials are completed and sent with fees to the cashiers office of McNeese State University.
- Prepare the budget
- Make an annual analysis of chapter fiscal management
- Promote awareness of SAMBA to the campus community and the community at large
Section 4. The Undergraduate Representative duties should consist of:
- Promote awareness of SAMBA to the campus community and the community at large
- Taking minutes at all events and meeting
- Promote events and meetings though organization scrapbook
Chapter committees shall consist of the chair and at least two additional active members. Standing committees shall be established by the Executive Committee. Special committees may be established by the President, the Executive Committee, or the Chapter. The Standing Committee of the Chapter shall be:
Section 1. The BCBA committee shall (a) keep SAMBA updated on any news with the BACBA, (b) keep SAMBA informed about what is going on with BCBA’s in the community and surrounding areas, and (c) help answer any questions about becoming a BCBA that members might have.
Section 2. The Research committee shall (a) keep SMABA updated on any new research being published that would be of interest, (b) keep SAMBA informed of any research symposiums or seminars in the community that would be of interest, and (c) work with the president to organize and plan research speakers, conferences, symposia, and/or workshops.
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Chapter in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws.