Visual Arts Spring 2021 Student Invitational Exhibition Now On Display

The McNeese State University Department of Visual Arts is currently hosting the Spring 2021 Student Invitational Exhibition in the Mezzanine Gallery, located above the Grand Gallery in the Shearman Fine Arts Annex. The exhibit will be open through April 15.
On display are student works representing painting, drawing, photography, print, design and sculpture. Participating students include Kat Bertrand, David Billodeau, Megan Boenig, Allyson Carpenter, Chelsee Collins, Matt Cooley, Diana Cruseturner, Jose Maria Ezejelue, Sarah Fontenot, Tyreona Frank, Libby George, Carli Guillory, Erik Jessen, Matthew Johnson, Kaitlyn Langley, Malloree Lavergne, Tabitha Leger, Taryn Louviere, Matthew McHan, Jocelyn Pena, Madison Poindexter, Sophie Qui, Susan Quibodeaux, Washington Opal Rowe, Madison Wyatt and Audie Soileau.
The exhibit is open free to the public. Gallery hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Friday from 8 a.m.-noon. For more information, contact the McNeese Department of Visual Arts at 475-5060.
Persons needing accommodations as provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact the ADA Coordinator at 337-475-5428, voice; 337-475-5960, fax; 337-562-4227, TDD/TTY, hearing impaired; or by email at
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