McNeese Spring Theatre Opens Feb. 12

The spring 2020 McNeese State University theatre season will kick off with “The Shape of Things” Feb. 12-16 in Squires Recital Hall. Times are 7:30 p.m. Feb. 12-15 and 2 p.m. Feb. 16.
Written by Neil LaBute, this modern work explores the nature of art and the moral responsibility of the artist and the ends people will go to for love. Recommended for adult audiences, the play tells the story of Evelyn, a graduate student in art at a mid-western college, and Adam, a nice, shy, scruffy security guard in an art gallery.
When Evelyn shows interest in Adam, the couple begins an intense and passionate relationship. Evelyn begins to reshape Adam’s world (and Adam himself), culminating in a shocking climax that brings human manipulation to a new level.
Directed and designed by Michelle Brunson, “The Shape of Things” stars Peyton Stanford, Welsh, as Adam; Lara Connally, Lake Charles, as Evelyn; Anna Sternaman, Lafayette, as Jenny; and Brett Chase, Lake Charles, as Phillip. Supporting cast includes Jacauez Morgan, New Orleans; Joel Jacobs, Lake Charles; Himshree Neupane, Kathmandu, Nepal; Hope Wasson, Baton Rouge; Rhett Goodner, Sulphur; Mashaelie Blackwell, DeRidder; and Aubrey Mercer, Moss Bluff.
Crew members include Tabitha Leger, Lake Charles, stage manager; Larry Reed, photographer, Lake Charles; Bronson Jordan, lightboard operator, Lake Charles; Rhett McCann, soundboard operator, Moss Bluff; David Ifland, sound designer, DeRidder; Jonathon Richards, lighting designer, Lake Charles; and Luke Connally, assistant technical director, Austin, Texas.
Call 337-475-5040 or go to for ticket information or reservations. Persons needing accommodations as provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact the ADA Coordinator at 337-475-5428, voice; 337-475-5960, fax; 337-562-4227, TDD/TTY, hearing impaired; or by email at
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