McNeese Banners to Present Monster Fish Host Zeb Hogan

Zeb Hogan, freshwater ecologist and host of National Geographic’s “Monster Fish” television show, will speak at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 17, in the Parra Ballroom in McNeese State University’s Holbrook Student Union Annex as part of the 2018 Banners at McNeese season. This event is open free to the public.
Hogan works to preserve the delicate balance between humans and their environments, especially as it relates to endangered freshwater fish. Through his research and outreach, he focuses on the most threatened and endangered of those, the largely forgotten and misunderstood megafish, which are fish longer than 6 feet and larger than 200 pounds.
His work takes him to some of the most endangered environments in the world, where he works to save critically endangered fish and the livelihood of the people who share their habitats.
Hogan, who holds a doctorate in ecology from the University of California, Davis, is currently a research assistant professor in the biology department at the University of Nevada, Reno. His research has been published in Nature, Science, Conservation Biology and the Environmental Biology of Fishes, as well as popular publications including Time and National Geographic magazines.
Banners is supported by ticket sales, memberships, corporate sponsors and grants. For more information about the program or tickets, visit the Banners website at or call the Banners office at 337-475-5123.
Persons needing accommodations as provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact the ADA Coordinator at 337-475-5428, voice; 337-456-5960, fax; 337-562-4227, TDD/TTY, hearing impaired or by email at
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