All Hybrid: This Is It
Editor: Vallie Lynn Watson
Managing Editor: Abbie Skinner
Guest Editor: Taryn White
Assistant Editors: Karris Rae, Aiman Tariq, Meilyn Woods
Editorial Assistants: Mia Bonds, Alexandria Knight

Phil Cumber, Ghost Moon
Letter from the Editor by Vallie Lynn Watson
Letter from the Guest Editor by Taryn White
“Midnight in the Valley of Spam” by Steve Almond
“No One Says the C-Word at the Comprehensive Cancer Center” by Mikki Aronoff
“A Bird Taking a Shit Like a Dog” by Ben Belcher
“Good Friday” and “People Are at Their Telescopes” by Julia Johnson
“A Thornbush’s Embrace” by Missy Nieveen Phegley
“Dodo” by Richard Peabody
“Voice(s)” by Sam Rasnake
“The Nightmare House” by Sam Ruddick
“The great masters, meditators and mystics” by John Sharkey
“Playing with the Wizard” by Dawn Sperber
“Skin Junkie” by Angela Spinzig
“Tossed-in-a-Chair!” by Caleb Tankersley
“Cycle” by Susan Tepper
“Machine Gun Secrets” by Meg Tuite
“Midsummer, Again” by Lee Upton
“From Inside Hollow Walls” by Melanie Whithaus
P.S. “Replacement” by Mia Bonds and Alexandria Knight
Cover artist: Phil Cumber painted theater sets at the historic Thalian Hall in Wilmington, NC, from 1980-1983; he then worked as a scenic artist in film. Phil was born in Maryland to parents who were born and raised in downtown Wilmington. Ghost Moon is a tribute to his favorite downtown haunt, Barbary Coast.

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Posted in Boudin and tagged in #boudin, #fiction, #flashfiction, #microfiction, #poetry, Hybrid