Workplace: Wounds and Woes ’24
Editor: Vallie Lynn Watson
Managing Editor: Karris Rae
Assistant Editors: Taryn White, Meilyn Woods

Esther Courville, “Life Sentence,” photograph
Letter from the Editor by Vallie Lynn Watson
Letter from the Guest Editor by Karris Rae
“Undercover Boss” by Carly Diaz
“The Company Man” by James Gianetti
“DelSanto’s Beach” by Joe Kapitan
“As Per Usual” by Susan Isla Tepper
“Slingshot Factory” by Andrew Zornoza
“From the Back of the Room” by Mary Buchinger
“Why Hawks Make Bad Bosses” by Jean Janicke
“The Building Manager” by Lora Keller
“My Brief Life as a Dean” by Jennifer Lagier
“Wrong Song” by Devon Neal
“Work Week” by Benjamin Niespodziany
“Emails I Can’t Send” by McNeese’s Undergraduate Fiction Workshop, Fall 2024
Esther Courville is a southwest Louisiana native who explores themes of abjection and nostalgia in her photography and poetry. She is also a vocalist, musician, and English instructor at Lamar University. She received an MA in literature from McNeese State University in 2023. Her research interests include linguistics, postmodernism, and English pedagogy.

To learn more about submitting your work to Boudin or applying to McNeese State University’s Creative Writing MFA program, please visit Submissions for details.

Posted in Boudin and tagged in #boudin, #fiction, #flashfiction, #poetry