Letter from the Editor
Vallie Lynn Watson
Imagine all the People
This issue marks a resounding whoop of an end to my first full calendar year at McNeese, and the collaborative effort behind this issue is woven of such lovely threads I will always treasure from my first year. “Imagine: Summer II” is an artifact that reminds us that our interconnected humanity is what allows us to create art.
This issue also marks a changing of the guard. It’s the last issue under longtime Boudin guru, Abigail Skinner, who graduated in May with her MFA in fiction. Fortunately, Abbie will pop up every spooky season, serving as the judge for our annual Boo-dan/Halloween issue’s new Skinner Prize. (Submit!) And Boudin will be in unbelievably capable hands under our new managing editor, Karris Rae, who blew us away with all she accomplished in her first year at McNeese.
Mia Bonds and Alexandra Knight, undergraduate writing majors at McNeese, served as Editorial Assistants for Boudin this past spring, helping in a thousand ways big and small. Their found flash, in 2024’s first issue, is a treasure. Aside from being the glue that held us together, they did the primary reading for this issue, and it’s shaped up as one to be proud of.
Abbie’s last act as managing editor was to coordinate an alumni spotlight section for Boudin. Look out for work from some of our distinguished alum over this upcoming year; this month we have new work by 1996 graduate Neil Conelly and 2023 graduate Jillee Sexton.
Good luck, Abbie! We love you, and miss you already!
To learn more about submitting your work to Boudin or applying to McNeese State University’s Creative Writing MFA program, please visit Submissions for details.
Posted in Summer II and tagged in #boudin, #mcneesereview