Capitalist Necktie
Jeffrey H. MacLachlan
Treasure Chest comic book Vol.17 No.2
This is a dad tie.
This is a straight tie.
This is a glum blue tie.
This tie mows over tax dependents.
This tie hangs from ironed dress shirts.
This tie never squirms when belting offspring.
This tie tithes at Father Ryan’s church.
This tie loathes reds dyeing loads into squalor.
This tie shuns clothes with no cul-de-sac wardrobe.
This tie strives for white collars.
This tie inspects the chamber of commerce for throats.
Jeffrey H. MacLachlan also has recent work in The Penn Review, New York Quarterly, The Greensboro Review, among others. He is a Senior Lecturer of literature at Georgia College & State University.
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