Esteban Rodríguez is the author of the poetry collections Dusk & Dust, Crash Course, In Bloom, (Dis)placement, and The Valley. His work has appeared in Boulevard, Shenandoah, The Rumpus, TriQuarterly, and elsewhere. He is the Interviews Editor for the EcoTheo Review, an Assistant Poetry Editor for AGNI, and a regular…
Read MoreSeth Simons is a poet and journalist based in Brooklyn. His work has appeared in Rattle, Fugue, Conduit, GAZE, the Beloit Poetry Journal, Red Wheelbarrow, and the Breakwater Review. He writes Humorism, a newsletter about comedy and labor.
Read MoreStephanie Athena Valente lives in Brooklyn, NY. Her published works include Hotel Ghost, waiting for the end of the world, and Little Fang (Bottlecap Press, 2015-2019). She has work included in Reality Hands, TL;DR, and Cosmonauts Avenue. She is the associate editor at Yes, Poetry. Sometimes, she feels human. stephanievalente.com
Read MoreSara Moore Wagner lives in West Chester, OH with her husband and three small children. She is the recipient of a 2019 Sustainable Arts Foundation award, and the author of the chapbook Hooked Through (Five Oaks Press, 2017). Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in many journals including Poet…
Read MoreAdam Tavel’s third poetry collection, Catafalque, won the Richard Wilbur Award (University of Evansville Press, 2018). You can find him online at http://adamtavel.com/
Read MoreKimberly Ann Southwick is the founder and editor in chief of the literary arts journal GIGANTIC SEQUINS, which has been in print for over eleven years. ORCHID ALPHA, her full-length collection will be published with Trembling Pillow Press in 2021, and a micro-chapbook of hers LAST TO BET: the near…
Read MoreAnthony Okpunor is an emerging Nigerian writer who discovered poetry and writing in general, as a better form of self expression. He is a student of the University of Benin, Nigeria at the time. He was shortlisted for the 2019 Nigerian Student Poetry Prize. He was also shortlisted for the…
Read MoreJuleigh Howard-Hobson’s work has appeared in many places, including Think Journal, Great Weather for Media, Able Muse, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Prime Number Magazine, War Literature & The Arts, Consequence, and The Lyric. She is a Million Writers “Notable Writer” and has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, the Best of…
Read MoreAsh Goedker received her MFA in poetry at the University of Idaho where she was the Editor-in-Chief at Fugue. She was the winner of the University of Idaho’s Academy of American Poets Prize and a finalist in the 2016 Indiana Review ½ K Prize. Her poems have appeared in Breakwater…
Read MoreEleanor Boudreau is a poet who has worked as a dry-cleaner and as a radio reporter. Her first book, Earnest, Earnest? (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2020), won the Agnes Lynch Starrett Poetry Prize. Her poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, Tin House, Barrow Street, Waxwing, Willow Springs, FIELD, Copper…
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