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All Pets: Double Edition

Editor: Vallie Lynn Watson

Managing/ Guest Editor: Abbie Skinner

Assistant Editors: Karris Rae, Aiman Tariq, Taryn White, Meilyn Woods

Editorial Assistants: Mia Bonds, Alexandria Knight

Digby Beaumont

Letter from the Editor by Vallie Lynn Watson

Letter from the Guest Editor by Abbie Skinner

Part One: Contest Finalists

Walking on the Levee on Our Way to Angel Mounds” (FIRST PLACE) by Mark Williams

Rhumbline” (RUNNER UP) by Lucinda Kempe

Take ’em Both” by John Janelle Backman

How My Dog Smells” by Dean Flowerfeld

The Cat Boy” by Jean-Marc Duplantier

Three Poems by Ann Howells

Three Poems by Tricia Knoll

Shapeshifter” by Patience Mackarness

Three Poems by Steven Ray Smith

Pre-Obituary for a Rabbit” by Francis Walsh

Part Two: And New Work by…

“Dread” by Randall Brown

“Know That” by Sir Henry Chugs

“Let the Bodies Hit the Floor” by Alexa Doran

“Prayer” by Grant Faulkner

“Moo Speaks” by Robert Hamblin

“The Bigger the Cage the Larger the Lizard Will Get” by Tiff Holland

“Fences” by Len Kuntz

“Seconds” by Nicole Monoghan

The Hologram of the Cat” by Meg Pokrass

“Howling at Osito” by Dawn Sperber


To learn more about submitting your work to Boudin or applying to McNeese State University’s Creative Writing MFA program, please visit Submissions for details.

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