Academic Program Coordinator Responsibilities Policy

Authority: Academic Affairs and Enrollment Management
Date Enacted or Revised: Enacted January 2016; Revised November 2021

At McNeese State University, each academic program is assigned a program coordinator who is academically qualified in the field or curricular area of concentration. Program coordinators work with faculty, department heads, and deans for curriculum development and review. Program coordinators must collect data and complete academic program assessment reports as required by the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (IRE). If the academic program includes general education and or Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) coursework, the coordinator is responsible for ensuring achievement of student learning competencies, collecting assessment data, and submitting course section summary forms as required by IRE. The program coordinator’s annual performance review should include appropriate points in the teaching component according to coordinator responsibilities.

Taken from the Responsibilities of Academic Staff Policy.


This policy is distributed via the University Policies webpage.